is there something I can try that actually works by calming my urgency down, it’s constant I’ve had it for long time now. I have pundendal nerve pain
pundendal urgency: is there something I... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
pundendal urgency

Go to this Doctor! He is the DOCTOR for you.
"The Physicians Clinic - London -- Doctor Qasim Aziz"
He saved my sister's life.
When my pudendal neuralgia was waking me up at night ( 3-4 times ) my doctor prescribed Toviaz. It solved the problem.
My bladder became ‘ neurogenic’ when I attempted to wean off all my meds in the winter of 2021.
I’m too permanently injured to wean off all my meds. I’m back using the two I need the most.
I’m had severe PNE and my surgery was not done on time. As a result, the nerve cannot heal.
I really sorry to hear about your nerve problem. when u say your bladder became neurogenic? Also did it become neurogenic because you wer taking Toviaz. Wat other medication do u take and are u coping ok with life .
I needed surgery in 2008. My right pudendal nerve was pinched in three spots. The nerve was operated on 3.9 years later so it was simply compressed for way too long. It won’t heal fully. I needed surgery stat and no doctor where I live would help me get it. They didn’t care.
Toviaz cured my bladder from being neurogenic. I no longer use it because as I stated, I’m back on the two meds I need to be able to function.