I am just over a year in remission from early stage cervical cancer and have had loads of intermittent pelvic pain - an unfortunate radiation side effect.
In the last few weeks I have developed nerve pain in my tailbone and pain in my rectum/anal area. It started off as a feeling of fullness, almost as though there is something stuck in there! My gp has checked and no lumps, bumps or hemmorrhoids. The strange thing is that this is now also affecting my bladder and genital area/vagina. I feel like I have a bad UTI, but when I go hardly anything comes out! It doesn't sting or burn like a uti either.
I have the constant feeling that I'm resting in a nerve whether I'm sitting, standing or laying down. I am wondering if I have pudendal neuralgia? I am seeing my oncologist in a few weeks, but don't know what to do in the meantime. I have a pelvic PT appt on Thursday, however my gp has no idea.
Thanks x