Anyone have any luck easing pain of pelvic symptoms with the use of a tens machine?
Tens unit machine: Anyone have any luck... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Tens unit machine

Interested in this also, waiting for my hysterectopy and swabs, painkillers aren’t controlling pain x
I’ve tried tens machine, microcurrent machine but none helped. Saving up for prp platelet rich plasma.
Can you explain to me how the platelet rich plasma works?
If you can look on utube see pelvic pain for women dr Mayo Friedlis. He explained it so much better. From my take on it, they take your blood from your arm. They take it to their regenexx machine and they spin it. The regenexx then spins the blood at higher concentrates than most and therefore when they inject your platelets they are enriched with goodness into the sacroiliac joint and the pubic symphysis and all the goodness goes back in and helps heal the ligaments. You may need a few rounds of this two - four. That’s my take on it. See utube research too. I will come back on here when I have them done!
Yes... I use TENS for pelvic pain & Sciatic pain. It's vitally important you place the pads in the correct positions.. I've got a diagram if you'd like me to email it to you.. there's nowhere to post it on here.
Yes! A diagram would be great!
I have a tens unit, could you email me the diagram? Thanks
Hello there - please can you add me to your email list with a diagram! Many thanks,
Please add me to the list for the diagram. Thanks for your assistance.
Hello VS1955
I hope you don't mind my asking but could you also send me a copy of your Diagram. I would really appreciate your help. Thanking you in anticipation.
Regards JayJay57
I found the TENS machine was the most effective to ease the PN pain. My physiotherapist suggested this when the physio had not been successful. I still use the TENS when the pain is bad but as someone else said, you need to place in the right place on the lower back. Def better than medication in my opinion.
I was loaned a TENS machine by the local chronic pain centre and am using it to address chronic perineal pain. As observed, It's important that the pads are placed in an appropriate position - and that the intensity and pulses are correctly modulated. I am continuing to try different combinations and would certainly appreciate further discussion of this topic.
I have tried the tens unit and it didn’t help me but my mom gave me a Quell from Best Buy ( buy the sports electrodes they last longer) it does help me sleep. I use it nightly and it does benefit me.
I have not been on this board in a while-you do know about the dct program, right? It works when everything else doesn’t
I've sent Tens diagram to those that requested it... hope it helps.
Hi, would you mind emailing it it me also please at
Thank you
Didn’t work for me with pelvic pain or labour pain with childbirth, hate the sensation of it too/ wires made me less mobile too, which was unhelpful to pain in either condition.
I have. It takes multiple sessions though