really scared: I am so scared now... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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really scared

55 Replies

I am so scared now.havent eaten today -just never hungry.persistent pelvic pain and abdominal pressure/stomach and dogs panicked when I went out to pick up a prescription-crying to come with me /not left alone..dont know what to wits end.docotrs wont listen to me.

55 Replies

Hi Anbuma, sounds like you are. Scaring yourself silly it's so awful when we are on our own and things like this happen. This is just a thought and please only take it as a suggestion, but are you more breathless than you used to be but not so badly so that you think you can't breathe? Have you had a chest X-ray recently? I noticed you say you had a cough and can only give my experience but I had minor cough,nothing I would have been concerned about but the stomac,diaphragm and ribs ached pretty constantly and very tired weak feeling,but again not enough to alarm me.on X-ray it proved to be pneumonia with effusion so hospitalised for a week and lungs cleared. It took a few weeks until the pressure around stomach,ribs etc finally went but that was the cause. Turns out I had had the condition for many months but because it was low grade it builds up very slowly but just to say for me it gave those feelings of pressure,against ribs diaphragm stomach etc I also lived on complain for months before knowing it was all down to lung consolidation, which I would never have had an inkling that I had. This is in no way to say it's the same for you but it just a possibility.I had an awful uncomfortable 10 months with it before getting X-ray and it sorted out!

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Oops spelling bad again! Should have read,I also lived on Complan -- not complain!!!

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my fingers dont wnat to hit the right keys so excus emy spelign errors

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hi cupi .in answer to your question about breathlessness ,yes i am.i cannot walk uphill or upstairs without breathlessness and /or pain in sternum area and every time my dog pulls leaves me having to stop to recover.

my cough has eased now btu it was persistent and as soon as my head hit the pillow.cnat remember when i last had a chest xray -but not that recent.

i am still none the wiser to what is causing my pelvic pain .along with lack of appetite -never feeling hungry(dr never accepted this or abdo weight gain) and the pressure .shoudl i try and get an appointment tomorrow?its nto just the persistent pain and swelling-its whats been said/assumed by gps.- assumption of iBS and menopause,when women over 50 rarely or if at all get IBS.mine is persistent not coming and going.

if there are taht many causes fro pelvic pain and abdo distention why not consider anyhtign else instead of just saying "its not your stomach"or palm off with painkillers.

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also today have heavy vaginal discharge -not normal-and even tho i shampooed my hair yesterday it is like thick with grease tonight -also not normal.cupi have you followed/read Kazww posts.could relate to everything she said.

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my gp is and was the only person I turned to and had for support.this declined after seeing ent and rheumatology consultants who said "its not your sinuses"when was referred for nasal sores and bone growth and "you need to lose weight and exercise more" respectively and no support from gp .since then I have only been told what things ARE NOT and not what things are.they have never accepted my weight gain is all abdominal and NOT due to diet and given no reason for swellings/bone growth/persistent pelvic pain and abdominal pain/distension.recently saw gp cos swelling spread from stomach to pelvis,just given pain relief meds-do nothing to rid of pain-and no reason for swelling.

cant anyone see why I have my concerns.

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I can't understand how being told what things are not is in no way reassuring. Most people worry that this problem might be cancer or whatever, and find huge relief that the doctor says it's nothing. UNLESS the are a hypochondriac and want to have something

PPSN_JudyB profile image
PPSN_JudyBPelvic Pain Support Netwo in reply to

When people have significant pain affecting their lives, it is not unusual to want a diagnosis. I didn't think I had cancer otherwise I would have been dead long ago but my pain was excrutiating. I carried on seeking answers and eventually discovered the cause of pain through my own research and the help of some understanding doctors. It took a long time, a lot of effort and persistence.

in reply toPPSN_JudyB

That's great that you've persevered and done your own research. I too have been there with 2 chronic pain conditions only recently diagnosed, partly through my own reading. The point i'm making is that as each terminal or terrifying condition was ruled out I was dancing for joy (figuratively speáking) and kissing my doctors shiny bald head with joy. Not raining down on him for telling me it wasn't cancer, and insisting it still might be, because of a story in woman's weekly. This is a completely different kind of reaction that seems painfully like a cry for attention of a non GP type. I don't need preaching to on searching for answers, I've been there and lost everything as a result an I'm only 38 so have many years of reflection ahead to see if I'd have done it differently.

in reply toPPSN_JudyB

I have read and researched after reading things in magazines and heard on tv and attempted to discuss with my gp who refused to even consider .

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The giantism thing? Acromegaly? I'm not surprised he won't discuss it. If you've done your research you will know that is one of the most rare genetic conditions there is and would have become apparent long before now. One person on one forum mentioned it, tongue in cheek. That's all. He has given you several diagnoses, non of which you accept because if its not fatal, you appear to see it as a fobbing off. I believe you've been diagnosed with Fibro, IBS, Diverticulitis, Boderline Type 2 diabetes, Raynauds Phenomenon...a lot, probably more. It's a little unfair to say he's done nothing.

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for your information raynauds was diagnosed years ago before i even registered with this gp.and for your information he did not not discuss it but said he had never heard of it.i dont have IBS and it was never said to was an assumption written in a letter and to correct you it was NOT my own gp who diagnosed colon related conditions.

im not wasting my time with you cupi or paton so i suggest you dont reply to my posts unless you can be supportive as other members are and stop being critical thats not what HU is about.dont think i wont report any inappropriate or abusive comments.

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There is nothing offensive or abusive in referring to things you have said on other forums. For sufferers of IBS, Fibromyalgia and bowel disease, it's very difficult when someone sees your own diagnosis as insignificant or a fobbing off. I'd hate for anyone to be misled into thinking he hasn't done every test there is, by your own admission.

Paintalk profile image

Hpv infection that not being pick up have u had surgery or do you still have yur female parts ?

what is Hpv?i had laparascopy to remove gallbladder and still have everything.After laparascopy I didn't have a follow up appointment and told my gp that my stomach was more swollen and lumpy after it and weight increase of half a stone after it..he didnt acknkowledge that at the time and has not acknowledged much since 2012 except to tell me "its my stomach"."its nothing" or "I don't know what something" is(referring to a swelling in centre chest--later found out there is a gland there)

nurse practitioner today said urine was fine no infection but although acknowledged I had a discharge didn't say for definite what the cause was but did say I d been given antibiotics recently.she said (not having met her at all before today)that Id been to see them(drs) quite a lot lately.having thoughts now maybe I should have elaborated on that.

thinking ive had this for over two years trying to get answers and as there are so many more conditions it could be (according to other members who have been given a diagnosis)why haven't thye considered any of them.

keeping a record of what I eat every day and my symptoms from the time I get up till i go to bed.have been doing this for the last few months and they only get worse.evry time my dog pulls or yanks on her lead im left with pain in my chest/upper day someone will listen to me and give me an answer.just hope its before its too late.

Monday have a barium meal xray ,I've had one before but many years ago and that was to check for ulcers from what I remember .

two appointments on 27th fro bloods and to see practice nurse.then CTS op on 5th head will be spinning having to remember all these.

doctors on 5th march.struggling to cope with pelvic pain and abdominal issues .it hurts everytime I eat which is hardly at just toast for breakfast(brunch as it was mid morning) and although I feel a pang of hunger just now I know I wont be able to eat much.

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better check my docs appt.same as op day?just looked it s for the 9th march.phew!

You seem to be having lots of tests at the moment, do you know what they are all for? Blood tests, urine tests, barium x-Ray? Your gp must be trying to find out/rule out something? It doesn't sound like he is ignoring you. Have you ever thought of asking to see your medical notes (cheaper to go and read them there than get copies, only about £10 I think). Then you can read all the consultants letters and scan reports etc. it might help to reassure you. Otherwise next time you go just ask outright 'have I got ovarian cancer?' Hopefully they can give you a reassuring answer.

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I have copies of most of letters sent to my gp but sometimes they don't ask,.excess fat may form on the stomach but it doesn't shift from other places.and it wouldn't cause pain ,soreness etc,i have some fat and that is "soft"and can hold it .whereas my abdomen is rock hard,lumpy and sore etc.

re consultants letters-all the ENT one said was "its not sinuses".that was not a diagnosis for my symptoms.

recent blood test is to test for diabetes.some urine tests were routine. ie one done at the hospital -which showed traces of blood.barium is to check oesophagus and stomach as far as I took weeks for the appointment to come thru id forgotten about it.its only since I spoke with the practice manager he seems to be doing something ie refer me to dermatology for skin rashes ive had for two years and I had my cough for two years before anything was done about it.

I got copies of my notes before and that is when I read "headache " and "obesity" in my notes.i objected to that and queried it cos I have not and would not go to gp with just a headache,when it was actually head pain(bone growth) and I am not/have not ever been obese,i am a normal size 14 apart from my stomach which is increasing and nothing i can do anything about as it is not fat but distension.

as i have said to gp s and on here i havent eaten cakes biscuits snacks or puddings for about 7 stomach is the sole reason fro my 2-3 stone weight gain since 2011 as i have lost weight elsewhere.i have always maintained this but no one has accepted it -based on BMI which only goes on total body weight not where it is distributed.

ive tried to get answers myself because got none from gp.and as I have not been given any diagnosis apart from assumption of IBS.he knows I fear it is OC and they say it s not because scans are "normal" but my CA125 was raised but symptoms and what s been said say otherwise and OC Is difficult to detect(assume that means Scans as well.)

th e blood s for diabetes were arranged by a different gp to my own.

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Hi Anbuma can you put up a photo of your protruding stomach? A 2 to 3 stone (42lbs!) of weight gain in just that area sounds hideous,it actually is likely that the weight gain overall is general with proportionately more around the stomach area,but not all there- you would have exploded! That is not so unusual for a person of your age,our weight tends to go on and re-distribute,unfortunately with a tendency to head mainly for our bellies. Don't forget that the CA 125 blood test is definitely not conclusive by any means,it can and does alter like most other blood readings.everything else needs to be evaluated as well.Yours was only very slightly out of range and they do seem to have tested and eliminated Oc.OK,agreed nothing is 100% certain,but nothing ever is or can be.they can not and will not ever say to anyone 'you most certainly don't have ............ They can and will only say along the lines of ' given that the tests you have had show nothing it is highly unlikely that you have......'

That applies to any illness/disease. Sometimes hard as it is we have to accept that and move on,otherwise it would just be such a source of probably unnecessary worry it would drag us down and make us unable to live sueboooo says you are having lots of checks at the moment and you have had many more done over the last few years, which should really reassure you that nothing really bad has shown up.

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hi cupi .i will do .i may have to take a couple of photos tho it wont be easy takign a "selfie" of my stomach and i dont know if i have an older one still.does anyone remember Babs,she was the wife of an old work colleague of mine.she was told originally she had a bowel condition which turned out to be OC and after being told she had 2 years to live ,she passed away a few months later just before xmas 2 years ago,she was a member of HU.

no-one (dr) has given me any reason fro symptoms other than its fibromyalgia(when not fibro symptoms) and "its your stomach" .i have lost weight elsewhere -on my hips,legs and arms.scales only show total body weight. it is called using a tape measure .my hips were 45 inches and are now 43".my thighs measure 20" and were 21/22".my arms have always been fairly thin compared to the rest of me my stomach has increased from 34" to 45".there have been stories in magazines about women who have had cysts weighing 22 lbs.

my weight in 2011 was 11.5 stone and i am now just over 14 thats just over 2.5 stone and its not due to diet.after having laparascopy my stomach swelled even more and i gained another half stone is not all fat-predominantly not fat.

there has to be a reason fro it and as others here have suggested other possible causes the doctors havent ie to do with bile and enzymes,cushings disease.adhesions to name some.

right now i have soreness around my ribs especially at the sides,abdominal pressure (sternum)my stomach does feel like its about to "explode",and i have the feeling "i need to go".persistent pelvic pain which ive had for 2 years remains undiagnosed and is there from the time i get up.all ive eaten today is one piece of toast and dinner was 3 small chicken fillets,chips from one small potato and peas.and i ahd to force myself to eat that.

doctors have noticed swelling in my tongue and lips btu not considered it to be anything yet dismissed when ive told them ive a lump in my neck and swelling and bone growth in my neck,face.

i dont know anyone my age who has a distended stomach thru age related weight distribution.

re your comment "they will they can not and will not ever say to anyone 'you most certainly don't have ........,that is just what my gp did say ie "you do not have the silent killer ovarian cancer ",(don't know why he used the words silent killer)that was two years ago before the majority of my unexplained symptoms got worse

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Maybe you should eat small regular meals. I have IBS and eating regularly is really important. If you go long periods without food your body stores more as fat. My weight is all round my stomach too, weight distributes differently after the menopause. For my tea tonight I had one chicken breast and some oven chips and peas.

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I know I don't have IBS because my pain and swelling is persistent and not coming and going as it does with gp never mentioned IBS to me personally and it was only mentioned in a letter he wrote and then just an assumption.women my age rarely get IBS and ive had it before years ago.not constipated or diarrheoa-not something I go to dr for cos if I do get them then otc meds do the trick.i cant eat large meals and haven't done for a good few of years if not more just cos I feel full bowels have always been normal.what do you term as long periods -I assume you mean days rather than hours?

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the ca125 was done over 2 years symptoms are worsening ie pelvic pain and abdominal pain and distention are persistent from time I get up it wouldn't hurt to do another,if ca125 is not conclusive then it coud relate to another issue.thoguth it was specifically for OC.

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ready to post pic of stomach(showing measument ontape measure)will ahve to write a new post

I would suggest that you believe your gp rather than people on this site. Not that anyone on this site is wrong, but we are all different, we have differnt conditions and symptoms. One symptom does not necessarily mean the same thing in everyone. I hope you get answers from your tests.

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gps don't always get things right and if they dotn always accept what they are told.some have no patient care/empathy.the gp reality program(think it was called behind closed doors or something) recently shown on tv shows how unsympathetic some gps are with patients and the way they were spoken to was unacceptable.-being made to feel as if wasting the doctors time etc.

im sorry I have to disagree.i had complete and utter trust in my gp up until after seeing ENT consultant and he didn't support me .it was my gp who referred me for recurrent nasal sores and bone growth and the result came back as "its not sinuses" when it was never a sinus problem.the people on the forum are a great support to each other and some have had the same experiences with their doctors/consultants.

I very much appreciate the support we all get from this site. I never disputed that. I am just saying that sometimes it does not help to compare symptoms and think we may have the same thing. We are all different. I have also had bad experiences with doctors and consultants. I don't know what the solution is to your problems but if you have asked the gp outright and he has said no to OC, then you have to trust that. I could (and have) worried myself into feeling ill by thinking the worst. And that gives you very real symptoms, it's not 'in your head'. Stress and worry is guaranteed to make my pain worse. I had to go privately to get my diagnosis, even though I couldn't afford it and I am suffering financially now. I had to get answers. Have you thought of going privately for a scan to put your mind at rest? If you worried less you may feel better.

I maybe concerned i ahve something serious because of symptoms-pelvic and abdominal pain and distention is there from the time I get up and moving about is difficult-he has said I don't have OC but as I said before there are other causes and some conditions don't always show up with blood tests.i am not stressed to that extent but target ovarian cancer said that the assumption of IBS ,acid reflux ,diverticulitis.persistent pain and swelling,feelign the "need to go "are signs of OC together with being told "its menopausal"etc.

I know some conditions have much the same symptoms but some peoples stories are exactly what I have time gps would do everything they could to get a diagnosis now it seems if bloods are normal then patient doesn't have any pain etc.

yes I have had scans and xrays but that is the doctors decision I only tell him whats wrong.

You tell him what is wrong, he sends you for tests, gives you his qualified medical opinion, prescribes treatment (i.e. antibiotics) and treats your pain with painkillers. That is exactly what my GP does.

I'm obviously not helping here, I hope you find someone who can. Best of luck.

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I appreciate what you and everyone says ,and if pain relief antibiotics don't help?then they need to find out what is causing the pain,as there are so many possible can I regain my faith and trust in them when ive not had support and what I say isn't not alone in experiencing this.others have too.

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my gp has told me on few occasions "he doesn't know what something is "

Anbuma, I posted before saying about maybe paying privately if you are concerned it is something sinister as you are not convinced by the tests you've already had done. I hope this helps but I had a recent mri scan on my pelvis, I asked the gynaecologist if it would pick up anything on my ovaries and he said it could but the best scan for detecting anything on the ovaries is a pelvic ultrasound, which you have already had. Now there must be a reason for your symptoms but from reading your posts you have truly convinced yourself it is cancer which would be in its advanced stage given the symptoms you have. If I was you, I would pay for a private ultrasound, they are around £100 and outline to the sonographer your concerns. Then if this comes back as normal you can put your mind at rest and move on from thinking it is ovarian cancer. It is not doing you any good worrying about it being cancer, this will heighten every symptom you have and take over your life.

Best wishes

New here, so first off, hello and I'm so sorry for what you're going through. It sounds like you've had a really rough go of it. From reading your posts, it seems like you have a few things going on, so I will only address what I know from my own experience -the pelvic pain portion. Wondering if you have had a full pelvic floor dysfunction evaluation? As I found out, the muscles that control the pelvic floor can cause havoc when they're not working properly. I experienced/still experience abdominal/vaginal/rectal spasms, bloating and distention, rib pain, flank pain, burning pain, trouble breathing (from muscle spasms pushing up into my diaphragm), trouble eating, swallowing, no appetite, constant lower abdominal pain and of course, all the fatigue that goes along with chronic pain. Pelvic floor dysfunction can explain a lot of symptoms. When your pelvic muscles are in a constant state of spasm, it can cause all of the symptoms I described above. An evaluation for this may be helpful. Doctors and therapists can actually feel the muscles involuntarily contracting during the exam. I was shocked above symptoms came from this, but so relieved to have a diagnosis. Treatment is a work in progress. - Just a thought for you. Wishing you some relief soon.

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hi again.thsi could be an answer but thinking it over although all the symptoms match and I have the pelvic pain I cant say I feel any "spasms".

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I went ahead and replied on the other comment in the event my info can help anyone else reading this. In your case, it sounds like you have multiple issues that are overlapping. I can only imagine how frustrated you are at this point. Have you seen a urogynecologist yet? (Particularly with your history of stress incontinence and surgery). I saw your GP did a pelvic xray. As you already know, xrays don't always reveal answers. A urogyn would at least know what to look for outside of standard imaging tests.

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i dont know what to do./have showed people s posts/replies to my gp in the past and he refuses to accept them and me tryign to get answers.i ll copy and save your reply to put to my gp when i next see him,(no names shown)

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It certainly sounds like you are at a standstill with your GP. From what you're saying, it seems he wont be receptive to ANY information you provide. I haven't had a chance to read all of your posts and replies to them, so I'll just offer up this knowing someone most likely has said it before. It's time to get a new GP. If you can do private pay, it is worth a shot. Bottom line, you are your own best advocate. Fighting for yourself and your health begins with a physician you can have a mutually respectful relationship with. Otherwise, the poor health, stress and frustration will only continue. Hang in there...

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thank in limbo with gps,there is no where else i can go,i cant afford to go i say its been three years of hell trying to get a diagnosis and recently i ahve tried to reason with him.the other gp s all go by what he has said.i do wake every day with pelvic and abdominal pain and been given no reason for it.the pressure on my stomach is there all the time and i believe my dogs know from the change in their behaviour.there are so many possibilties and noone have been ruled out just cos they say scans etc are "normal".have to go to take my dogs out -hospital appointment today.

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Dogs are great! Glad you have them around you. Even on my worst days, mine make me smile. - to respond to private pay... I completely understand the financial constraints you're under. That said, being at the end of your tether, is it possible to save enough for one appointment with a great GP? Unfortunately, private pay is sometimes the only way to get the time and attention you need. If it's one appointment and you go prepared with a list of your symptoms, (don't worry about presenting your research, just your symptoms) you may get more out of it than 100 appointments with your regular GP. I did this and it was the BEST decision I ever made. Yes, it was a sacrifice, but not only did it restore my faith in doctors, it gave me the next direction to go in which got me to diagnosis. Just a thought... good luck at hospital today.

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thank you Sophia.i wouldn't have anything to live for if I didnt have my dogs,they are my world.what dogs do you have.?after 90 minute drive to hospital,arrived 30 minutes before my appointment and then they were "running late"-went in an hour after my went well just have to wait 9 days for results to get back to my gp,i had difficulty swallowing the bread they give you and she did tell me food is coming back up my oesophagus.i dont think this is the cause of my so much pain from the car journey and sitting around at the hospital.glad to get home and take my dogs out.they came running to greet me and were all over me.

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Hi anbuma. Sorry about your long day! Just the travel and waiting is exhausting. Sounds like the swallowing test may give some answers? -- To reply to your question, I have 3 dogs... a st. Bernard and 2 Australian shepherd mixes. They are definitely rays of light when it starts to feel dark. Wishing you the best and tons of support as you get through another day.

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thank you

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Missed this reply and responding now in case it helps anyone reading this... PFD can occur with or without the feeling of traditional spasms. Before diagnosis, there were symptoms I described as feeling like spasms sometimes and plenty of other symptoms I never would have described as "spasms". I only knew they were spasms once I was diagnosed.

hello Sophia.welcome to the forum,i hope you will find many friends here.a new view on things is appreciated and what no one else has mentioned anything about .your description sounds like a perfectly plausible reason for my symptoms.i used to suffer from stress incontinence very badly it affected my whole life until I had the operation to support the pelvic floor muscle.i recently asked the gp if it could be down to that and so she arranged a pelvic xray after which she said she didnt think it was that.i ll print off your response and show it to my (a) gp ,tho they wont accept anything I show them .I would be great if that was the answer to my did you go about getting this evaluation.were you referred to a gynae?what does it involve(message me if too much to post here)

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I'll reply here just in case this info can help anyone else. My pelvic floor dysfunction problems started after a hysterectomy and surgery to clear adhesions. Apparently, any abdominal surgery can disrupt the pelvic floor. Diagnosis came from an advanced gynecology and oncology doctor. He thought to look for it because of my surgical and interstitial cystitis history. PFD often has coexisting conditions. (For me IC and PN). No scan or standard test will show PFD, it's discovered during what I would call a rather "thorough" pelvic exam. A doctor MUST know what they're looking for to find it. They basically use their fingers to investigate the muscle tension in the vagina and/or rectum coming from the pelvic floor. There are muscles we contract voluntarily and there are ones that are involuntarily. The presence of involuntary contractions is key to diagnosis. The exam also looks at involuntary muscle movement and weakness in other areas of the pelvic floor. It's not the most fun to go through but when you're in so much pain and desperate for help, the exam is no big deal. A PFD aware urogynecologist or physical therapist specializing in pelvic floor disorders can also do this type of exam.

On a side note, I just want to point out, it took about 2 years and dozens of tests before I got a diagnosis. There were days I just wanted to give up, especially when doctors would say they didn't know what was wrong. Every day is still hard battling PFD, but I'm so grateful I got a diagnosis. - even if this isn't a part of what ends up being wrong with you, I truly hope you find the answers you need and perhaps my experience can help anyone else dealing with this. I really understand how hard it is.

how concerned is my dog. she has been huddled up close to me all day and rubbing her head against me (pelvis) and giving me concerned looks.they both are doing this.

booklover123 profile image

Anbuma ~ you have convinced yourself that you have O.C and now nothing your G.P is saying or indeed doing for you is helping to get this out of your head. With the best will in the world, people on this forum are trying to help, offering advice and possible solutions but you are refusing to listen.

I have no medical training, am just a patient, but has it been suggested that you have a chat to a CPN, who would maybe help? I have no doubt that your symptoms are very real to you....but honestly think you need an in-depth chat with one of these very sympathetic nurses who might be able to help

Wishing you all the very best.....

hi booklover 123

i havent seen you name before and dont recall you responding to any previous posts of mine.before you make comments that you have you should read my profile before you say things you know nothing about .

that is not so.if you have followed my story/read my profile you will know that my gp hasnt given me any diagnosis for my symptoms and there are other members who have suffered the same as me. and you are wrong in what you say.i take on board what others say and the majority do offer support and advice and offer possible diagnoses because they have the same symptoms/problems.misdiagnoses/experiences with their gps.which but there are those few who just dont/wont /cant accept what i have posted,have one opinion and have contained abusive comments.

i don't know why i have to keep saying the same over and over to the minority to put them right on matters has taken two years of being told "its your stomach" or "its nothing" and of me telling doctors that i have a poor appetite,felt full all the time and had difficulty swallowing etc to have these ignored to get tests done which reveal i have problems .recent diagnoses following endoscopy and colonoscopy revealed several conditions that would have been diagnosed two years ago at least if my dr had taken me seriously and i have just had/am having tests which should have been done two years ago,.my gp knows he should have taken action two years ago ,following talking with the practice manager has prompted him to do tests and take me seriously

of course my symptoms are real and some represent those of ovarian cancer. ,i would have no reason to invent something i am concerned about because it was assumed i have IBS without having any symptoms of IBS which is known is a common mistake made by seems like you have read other peoples responses and reiterated what they have said because your wording is exactly the same as ive heard before and without knowing me or my history with my gp

in several cases HU guidelines have been breached because of abusive content in replies to my posts .

booklover123 profile image

I'm really sorry you have taken what I said as an "abusive comment" - it certainly wasn't meant as such. I offered what I thought was another path for you to follow...

I'm sorry if I have offended you and really hope you get sorted out to your satisfaction....

in reply tobooklover123

im not offended and dont want to offend you and i know you did not mean to offend I wasn't saying yours was but I do think you need to read my profile.i could name one other member who has the same experience as me and doctors don't always get things right as I have been told by mine "I dont know what it is" on at least two occasions.

as I said its exactly the same comment almost word perfect I have heard before some time ago.

booklover123 profile image

As a final comment before I bow out, I DO have cancer (not O.C.) and wouldn't wish the pain, heartache and uncertainty that a definite diagnosis brings, on anyone

in reply tobooklover123

Booklover, this comment hit me hard. Well said. There's that moment when you walk into the oncologists office for the first time and it all becomes real. It is terrifying. You pray you walk out without hearing the dreaded c word. As you know, it's not always the outcome. A piece of my heart is with you and everyone else who has had to hear those horrible words come out of a doctors mouth. As you said, wouldn't wish it on anyone.

booklover123 profile image
booklover123 in reply to

Sophia, that is a lovely post from you

Thank you xx

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