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Suicidal, chronic pain, Pudendal Neuralgia, my story, and a question.

C-Man profile image
40 Replies

I'm going to tell the blunt, honest truth in this post. If the administrators delete or modify this, I will disappear and no one on planet Earth will ever hear from me again, except to find my bloodied corpse. I'm sick and tired of nobody caring, or thinking I'm faking it.

The closest thing that can describe my condition in medical terms is Pudendal Neuralgia.

It was December 28th or 29th of 2012, about 10 at night. I was masturbating, something I'd been trying to quit as it clashed with my Christian beliefs. When I climaxed, I was hit with the sudden sensation that someone had taken a pair of vise grips, grabbed the tissue between my scrotum and rectum, and twisted. For an added bonus, they also plugged the vise grips into an electrical outlet. Never in my life had I felt a more utterly excruciating and fundamentally WRONG sensation. The rest of my body went almost completely numb, except for a terrible burning sensation. My rectum felt as though someone had violated me with a fire hydrant. That's vulgar, I know, but that's the best description. I can't exaggerate.

I was employed as a butcher at the time. Needless to say, this was out of the question. They were kind enough to put me on light duty, at least for a while. So I got stuck answering phones. Sitting in the chair was almost as bad as tossing the heavy meats around. It was eighty degrees in the room, and I had to wear a sweater and pajamas under my pants. This feeling of being ice cold alternated with a sudden attack of heat, and I'd start sweating like mad and have to take the sweater off. This went on until January the 15th of 2013. They had to cut me loose, so I went on medical leave.

By the way, for the entire month of January, I had maybe a day's worth of bowel movements. My rectum was apparently locked down

I sought some modicum of relief, going to various doctors and neurologists, and racking up medical bills that are still outstanding. I was put on gabapentin, vicodin and zanaflex, which helped to a point. At least I didn't feel like screaming and crying all the time. A pain management doctor did an epidural(which accomplished nothing). Then he did a couple of pudendal nerve blocks(which made me feel strange(r) and kind of helped for a while).

My condition did seem to abate somewhat in November. It's a good thing too, because by that time, my insurance and money had run out. I couldn't afford medication, insurance, or any kind of medical care whatsoever. If my condition had continued, I would have died from it, without a doubt.

I should mention that I have been living with my aunt since before this started, as I moved in with her when my mother died. Up until that point, I was paying her rent of sorts.

My aunt has never appreciated the extent of this. She's one of those people who, if you're not bleeding or there's not a bone sticking out of you somewhere, then you must be perfectly healthy. I'm sure she doesn't even realize she's doing it, but I can see the contempt on her face when I show a sign of weakness from this. Other relatives of mine will ask me if I can do something, like drive a really long way, or do some kind of labor, and they act SO surprised when I can't, and ask me why not. This gives me the urge to punch them in the face. But I show no sign of anger toward them. That's the worst part of it all. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, but if I could make them all suffer from this for just half an hour or so, they would be begging and pleading with me for it to stop. And then they'd understand. They all would, without any doubt at all.

Anyway, in April, my aunt pressured me into taking a job at her company. I'm not sure, but I think there was an unwritten threat in there that if I refused, I was going to be out on the street. The job was simple, and I could've done it in my sleep before all this crap started. I was to sort through files of taxi drivers, update them, and do some computer stuff. This was all now completely beyond my abilities. I couldn't stand long enough to sort the files. I couldn't bear the pressure of the chair on my perineum, buttocks, or back. There was obviously no place to lay down.

I lasted for four days, until I was basically reduced to a quivering wreck.

Well, she didn't throw me out. But I've paid for it. I semi-recovered from that episode, and was at least able to drive my aunt to work and back, and little stuff like the store. About three weeks ago, I had a huge flare-up. I've been confined to bed since then, except to do the little bit of driving.

My body is numb, except for the freezing, tingling, and burning sensations. Thankfully, the perineal pain is minimal, however touching my penis can cause a burst of pain in my rectum, and down my left leg and hip. Having an air conditioner or a fan blowing on my skin is like being dipped into a vat of acid. Taking a shower is very unpleasant. There is no comfortable temperature for the water.

I've been trying to get on social security disability since December, and was denied disability through my insurance several times last year. I've put the paperwork in to get medical assistance from the county. I've gotten a disability lawyer because the jerks denied my claim twice.

By the way, I should mention, I'm 29 years old. My life as I knew it is completely over. Unless I can be cured, I will never have children or a family because I can't have sex. I will never be able to travel. I can't go and see my family up in east Texas. Sometimes I can't even eat for days at a time because I feel so bad, and because my gut will basically shut down. And if my disability doesn't come through, I will be out on the street when my aunt retires. And then I will die.

There are times I think God has abandoned me because of my sins. I desperately cling to my faith and hope, but it feels like an uphill battle.

I had to say all of this, because if I didn't, if nobody listens to me, REALLY listens, I will take myself out of this world. So help me God, I don't want to, but there are certain levels of existence that I am neither prepared nor able to accept.

I did say there was a question, didn't I? Here it is. Is this pudendal neuralgia or something else? I should add that I seem to have some kind of internal rectal prolapse going on. Could this be putting pressure on my pudendal nerve, and the masturbating simply set it off that night in 2012? I ask, because anything that irritates my rectum, like diarrhea or pushing even slightly to have a bowel movement can set off a flare-up.

Thank you for listening.

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C-Man profile image
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40 Replies

hey, you're not alone in this....

how long have you been on the medication? because the standard treatment for nerve pain is an anti-depressant FIRST and then the lyrica/gabapentin. it takes 3 months more or less for the anti-depressant to the US they usually give out cymbalta....but it takes a very long time for the meds to took me 6 months to get back to normal...

the options are in this order:

medication, then nerve blocks, then either a pain pump or a neuromodulator implanted in the spine.

by the way, you need to buy some numbing cream and work on desensitisation every day.

basically you gradually get your body used to touch second today, 3 seconds tomorrow, you get the idea.

at 29 you're very young and you have a lot of chance for recovery...most have this when they are 50+ but by then you shouldn't hope for much. A young body heals quicker.

NSAIDs worked really well for me, along with MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENTS. magnesium calms down the central nervous system. Also anxiety and depression will prevent you from getting better again....

I thought of suicide last autumn because I couldn't even WALK or sit at university and I almost had to quit school. But now I am 99% pain free and you can be too.

Everyone has a crisis period in their life, it's just how life is. You have to find a good doctor. and it sounds like you need an MRI too....

I tend to think you had an undiagnosed condition before the incident and it seemed to you like it came out of nowhere, but it is unlikely. You can;t get neuralgia out of the blue. Nerves don't just quit doing their job....

C-Man profile image
C-Man in reply to

I'm afraid it's academic at this point. I'm dead broke and have no access to any medical care or medication until/unless my disability and medical assistance come through...if they do at all.

To answer your question, yes, the doctor did try Cymbalta. But all it did was mess with my head. After a couple of weeks, the symptoms actually seemed worse, and I felt like I was on magic mushrooms or something. NSAIDs do nothing at all, nor do most painkillers. They were going to put an implant into my spine, but the money and insurance both ran out before that could happen.

I had a couple of MRIs, both of the lower back and pelvis. There was a slight bulge in my L4 and L5, but not severe, and wouldn't account for the sudden onset associated with masturbation. They didn't note any damage on the pelvic MRI either, which is very distressing, as this is where it all started, and where the worst of it is.

The worst of it, really, isn't even the pain, it's the incredible hypersensitivity in my entire body, as well as the alternating heat and cold. It'll be eighty degrees in here and I'll feel like I'm freezing, then I'll get hot and start sweating like a boar. I'll be able to feel my organs, at least from my navel down, touching each other, and they're super-sensitive like my skin.

I do have a slight bowel leakage issue, mostly smelly yellow stuff. I really hope it doesn't get any worse, because I can't stand the touch of underwear any more, let alone diapers. I couldn't afford them anyway, never mind the stigma attached to them.

At the same time, the world seems to dim out for me, as though it's taking all my brainpower just to experience these things. I want nothing more than to pass out, but that never happens.

Right now, I don't even have enough money to buy a soda, much less any sort of treatment. If it doesn't kill me first, and my disability and assistance comes through, then I'll have some kind of future. You can understand now why my situation is so bleak. If it doesn't come through, I'm literally finished, with no recourse of any kind.

Saifsaif profile image
Saifsaif in reply to

Where are you? Can we contact

Godsgurl profile image
Godsgurl in reply to

How much magnesium do you take?

LeyaC profile image

I am no expert and I don't live in America so I don't know the rules or laws so can't help in that sense BUT, to me it sounds like it is pudendal neuralgia.

What I know of this condition is that everything you are saying is happening, happens with this condition. It can be set off by one thing and other times it can come on over time. It will hurt your anus, scrotum, penis, urethra and perineum among others. This will make going to the bathroom difficult and painful, you may have no control over what happens down there as your pelvic floor muscles will be weak so you may mess yourself or get an erection unexpectedly. You will have pain when having sex or whilst masturbating as the penis is sore.

Unfortunately, I don't know what treatment options there are. Have you been to see your doctor about this to get it diagnosed? Maybe they will know how to treat it.

Don't commit suicide please. I know life gets hard, everyone has their own story and mine is different to yours but I have been in that situation before. You can get through it and you will get better. Its not the easy option so its not even worth considering. And if you were that serious about it then you wouldn't have warned people and would have done it anyway so I'm glad you're still in the contemplating phase cuz there is still hope for you to recover from this.

Please keep positive, I know its hard and I know that sometimes it can get tough to keep positive but its possible to get through it. Keep me updated on what happens next and pm me if you need to chat.

As we say in England, keep your chin up. Take care Hun.

Leya xx

Poppy26 profile image

Your graphic description of this pain is spot on and yes although visibly there seems to be nothing wrong inside our bodies are screaming. It is tough, no it's horrific but we'll get through it. I was diagnosed with bilateral PNE and consequently had nerve decompression surgery. The entrapments were multiple and the right side too deep to decompress so 7 months post surgery still in chronic pain.

I get down and mourn the life I've lost but I'll be damned if this will beat me!! I take each hour each day as it comes and take pleasure in things I'd never noticed before as I was too busy being a mum and career woman.

This condition thrives on us being stressed and anxious and delights in a flare up but I try not to give it the satisfaction. Of course life is not always straight forward but try to stay strong and positive.

Different things help different people I take copious meds, Lyrica, sertraline and tramadol. I also take vitamins especially magnesium. Ice is my best friend I fill a soft ice pack every hr to numb the area. Also having hydrotherapy that is good.

You are strong enough to cope with this and you have your life ahead of you. Seek medical help and believe that one day the pain will diminish. Take care

marybeex4 profile image

I was at the end of my tether with pain when I found this site. I was pacing the floor at three in the morning wondering what on earth to do next. I was not suicidal but totally lost in the intensity of pain, a problem no one else could see or understand or help to manage. This site at least helped me with my head! Finding others with similar problems and possibilities of how to manage the pain at least confirmed that it was 'not in my head' I had been to see so many medically trained people who had no idea of what could be causing the pain and because they had no idea and could not actually see a problem I was beginning to feel i was a nuisance

Through reading others problems I managed to get my condition at least diagnosed and then it was easier to get the right medication to help. It doesn't take the pain away but I do get some spells of more reasonable levels.

Please don't give in. Life is precious and there is hope. Read through some of the problems and sift through the possibilities so you can learn a bit more about what may be causing your condition. Last time i went to see my doctor i was able to discuss my pain much more easily because I was better informed myself and so in turn she listened more carefully. I was then referred on to a consultant who may be able to help or at least knows about this area in the body! i am still waiting to see this consultant but at least there is hope again. I realise the medical service in America is very different to ours in Britain but if you get good information and learn more about the possibilities of what is causing your pain then maybe you will be able get the right pain management at least

I wish you well and please try to stay positive. I find stress and negativity makes the pain seem worse because it takes over my thinking.

please try and go back to your family in east texas and borrow some money from them ....

if your whole body is sensitive this is more than pudendal neuralgia!!!

it is impossible to go from young and healthy to severe neuropathy!!

even CRPS has an onset there must be something undiagnosed over there, i dont know, lyme disease, post herpetic neuralgia...

YOU NEED TO GIVE ANTIDEPRESSANTS ANOTHER CHANCE! it took 3 1/2 months for the amitriptyline I was on to do something and I had a lot of side effects, crying out of the blue, feeling nauseaos, etc

but i stuck with it. honestly why are the forums filled with people who complain about medication side effects? what do you expect? it takes time for them to work ! even on my lyrica when I kicked up to 300 mg I had some extra pain come through but then after a week it went away and here I am 99% feeling great

Poppy26 profile image

Don't think forums are filled with people complaining about medication. It is hard to adjust to so many meds. I take 1200 mgs of Lyrica a day plus tramadol plus antidepressants and it is hard. Yes we cope but forums give us a chance to express what we are going through in an attempt to inform others.

Godsgurl profile image
Godsgurl in reply toPoppy26

Yes, I agree. Some of us have difficult medical conditions that make it impossible to take all the nerve medications. I have a rare vertigo condition and only have Dilaudid to help me. I try to take very small quantities because of the risks.

Poppy26 profile image

Glad you are 99% better but others are not so respect our choices to explain and list how we feel. If you think forums are just moaning platform then find something better. In my case this forum has been my life line and an integral part of me having bilateral PNE so I value any help. Your negatively does not help anyone.

Poppy26 profile image

You dismissed decompression surgery before and I really suggest the way to help is to be positive. Anyone dealing with PNE is in huge pain, frightened and needs help. If you feel unable to offer this then modify your responses as it is not helpful. I'm glad you are 99% free of pain but sadly so many of us are not so please show empathy and respect

edythe profile image
edythe in reply toPoppy26

It must be extraordinarily difficult to be suffering such debilitating pain and sensitivity and not to have access to medical treatment.

I am not US based either but there do seem to be multi-disciplinary pelvic pain treatment centres in a number of states including Texas, which I'm sure provide information. Perhaps this would be useful to encourage support from family and/or friends.

I also suggest looking up; here you can find information about Dr Wise / Dr Anderson and the treatment they have developed especially for men suffering from pelvic pain (Stanford Protocol). Dr Wise himself suffered for many years from pelvic pain so has experienced what despair means. I hope you find the help and support you need.

Godsgurl profile image
Godsgurl in reply toPoppy26

Poppy26, what doctor diagnosed your PN and/or did you surgery? I saw Dr. Hibner in Phoenix in 2015. He said I didn't have entrapment but just PN. I improved in the last year and a half, now in a horrible rectal flare with stinging pain in my buttock for the last couple weeks. Hoping this will subside soon,

Okiegirl profile image
Okiegirl in reply toGodsgurl

What tests did Dr hibner do to Give you your diagnosis?

Godsgurl profile image
Godsgurl in reply toOkiegirl

Hi there. When I went they put you through 2 days of testing. Hibner does his own pelvic MRI, an extensive exam including internal vaginal by his physical therapist, consult with his fellow and then you finally see him after all assessments are done.

Lilbit1234 profile image

Omg your pain is exactly the same I was going through except I'm a female and I totally understand the excruciating pain you deal with first if all your depressed because your body can't take it anymore nor your mind you feel alone nobody ever understands because it's so hard to describe! Here's the deal I found I had emg done and it showed I had nerve damage! I also was telling my spine dr all the things I was having I pretty much diagnosed myself which is PNE!!!! Pudendal nerve entrapment I had the burning stabbing constant pain between my rectum and vagina so deep in the area they gave me 2 nerve blocks and it has went away !!! Let me tell you I know you have to see a spine specialist tell them everything you feel or start with neurologist for a emg which tells you where your nerve damage is !! I COUDLNT stand nor sit please let me know but I know this is what you have also laying in your side with pillow between your legs takes pressure off keep posted thanks!!!

C-Man profile image
C-Man in reply toLilbit1234

I'm so sorry you have to go through it too! :(

They did the same thing for me. I had an epidural(which did nothing). Later I had a couple of pudendal blocks, but they only worked partially, and not for very long. The first one lasted about two hours, and the second one maybe three. They didn't do anything for the hypersensitivity though.

If everything goes right, and I can get on disability and medical assistance, then I'll at least have access to my meds again, and some kind of care.

Godsgurl profile image
Godsgurl in reply toLilbit1234

Lilbit, where do you live? Are you much better after the surgery? Who did the procedure?

Ptxtra profile image

C-man, how are you? Similar story, denied benefits twice and my hearing is on Tuesday. I'm coming to believe that we are suffering from Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. I am being treated by Dr. Dan Kirages at University Of Southern California. He is a physical therapist specializing in this area. We've been trying to find and gather a group of men who suffer from this condition to talk to share stories and treatments that have helped. Let me know if you'd be interested.

JTurtle59 profile image
JTurtle59 in reply toPtxtra

I've had chronic pelvic pain for 18 years. I'm 59 now. I am reading a book / workbook on this subject called Ending Male Pelvic Pain, by Isa Herrera, who runs a pelvic pain clinic in the NYC area. You can find this book on Amazon. In all the years I've suffered with this agonizing condition, I'm finding this book the best guide yet for self-treatment. I recommend it.

Fibo81 profile image

So I am not very familiar with the ins and outs of American health care (I am Canadian), but I was really upset on your behalf about how much pain you are in, and how you don't have access to any care.... Now, I assume from what you were saying about not beings blue to afford a can of pop that you have no income. This link appears to show that under the affordable care act you would be eligible for Medicaid? Sounds like you would have some access to medical assistance, and at the very least might be able to diagnose your illness, thus making disability easier to obtain / further funding options available, etc.

Pnesurvivor profile image

I have pudendal nerve entrapment and that is EXACTLY what you have. I'm a 38 yr old female who ended up with this condition after a doctor botches a completely unrelated surgery when I was 32 yrs old. At the time I was living on my own in NYC making 100k a year. I am now living in AZ with my father on disability. So I understand and feel for you.

First I want to explain how I got disability on my first try. I had tons of medical documents backing up my PNE claim. Most importantly I had an MRI that confirmed my PNE. If you ever do anything you need to do this. I know you are tight on money but squirrel away enough for this. If your serious about doing this MRI let me know and I will tell you how to tell your doctor to write the script for the MRI of the pudendal nerve. You must have a specific MRI (not the ones you had). This report will confirm what you have and disability will be more likely to approve you.

I had a surgery on my pudendal nerve here in AZ at St. Joesphs hospital with a Dr Micheal Hibner (look him up) and it has brought my pain from a 9 to a 6. So I am better now but still disfunctional. I am lucky enough that my family is understanding but I see it in their eyes on occasion... that look.. That says "your so lazy". It's very upsetting. Looking normal on the outside and feeling so much pain on the inside is horrible. My advice is keep your brain sharp. Study things that interest you. Since our bodies are no good we need to distract and strengthen our minds. I spend a ton of time reading now.

As far as quick remedies you need to check out a site called which will give you loads of info. I found that for some strange reason Xanax helps my nerve pain. Some people find that Valium helps as well. It calms the nerve. I also take Baclofen and Tramadol. Two very cheap drugs. Epison salt baths help a bit but really nothing over the counter works. You really need disability. I also have compounded suppositories that work wonders (if you can brave the pain of putting them in). They consist of Ketamine, Valuim and Baclofen. They cost $125 for about 90. One suppository will calm the nerve for 2-3 days!

I have wanted to kill myself many times with this. I lost a fabulous life making tons of money with many boyfriends... To living like an old lady. It sucks and it doesn't get much better. But don't give up. There is a new treatment that will be on the market in about two years. It's called RTX or The Prickly Pain Killer. It actually stops pain signals going to a nerve PERMINITLY with one shot. It's still in clinical trials but it's in stage two already so only one more to go. There are many ways to ease the pain of your condition but you must have access to medical care.

Don't give up with disability. The more you hound them the better. Good luck.

Cardinal profile image
Cardinal in reply toPnesurvivor

PNEsurvivor:  My story is very similar to yours.  Had a wonderful career and social life and this PN pain completely took away my life.  I will also likely end up living with my dad on disability soon (I am living with a friend for now).  Anyway, could I ask where you got that Ketamine suppository from?  Is it from the compounding pharmacy in St. Joseph's hosipital?  I also noticed that Xanax helps my PN pain a lot (I wonder if you got the idea from me, LOL - I have posted about it a few times on pudendalhope.  Also, did you get your MRI from Dr. Potter, Dr. Kalinkin/Hibner, or a different doctor?  I had one done with Kalinkin, and it didn't show anything, but I heard that Potter's shows a lot more, so am thinking of getting one done there in NY.

stflat3 profile image
stflat3 in reply toPnesurvivor

PNEsurvivor, I'm interested in getting an MRI for my suspected PNE of 10 years. Could you please let me(and the community) know where it was that you had yours? Thank you

Chinam profile image
Chinam in reply toPnesurvivor

Hi pnesurvivor.

How are you today. You indicated in a post of yours about a year ago regarding project RTX . it is I presume a winner that all are waiting for. That is if the big Pharms will not kill it. What is the status of the clinical trials.

Brgds. Chinam

saintonhigh profile image
saintonhigh in reply toPnesurvivor

Can you tell me if that RTX is available yet? I have severe PNE.

Godsgurl profile image
Godsgurl in reply toPnesurvivor

Pnesurvivor, you are so fortunate to live near Dr. Hibner. I live in San Diego. I had a friend drive me lying in the back of a car all the way to see him in early 2015. I couldn't manage to stay there for treatment so went back to San Diego and did the best I could. Had a few nerve blocks, pelvic therapy, etc. Was bedridden for over a year. Gradually I improved for a year and a half and only had to take pain med once a month but not pain free. Depend on my Cushion Your Assets cushion. For the last two weeks, have had the worst relapse with rectal pain. Wish I was closer to Hibner.

Complicatedyounggirl profile image
Complicatedyounggirl in reply toPnesurvivor

Hi there! Can I get your contact details , pleas? Thank you so much!

It is possible that as this pain was caused initially by masturbation and as the symptoms immediately following this were horrific and very unusual I think it is possible that a severe internal trauma of some sort may have occurred. I would suggest you see a urologist, who specialises in the genito-urinary system,  who will do the necessary tests, MRI's and may be able to identify the problem. You can google a urologist near you and get the help you need. Good Luck my friend and know we are all here for you.

Chica1943 profile image

C MAN. Please hear me. First, you are not alone in your pain. More importantly, GOD IS NOT PUNISHING YOU!!! That is not the way God is. God is always love. Things happen in life. And God is there to be with us if we choose. Your symptoms do sound like pudendal neuralgia or it could be pudental compression., which is worse than neuralgia. Some docs diagnose via symptoms. The best most accurate test is called an MR Neurography. It is a very Sophisticated imaging test. I can relate to all of your symptoms tho I'm a female. My seating or standing is about 30 minutes. I take norco for pain. And, like you, I don't have much a real life. I'm asking God everyday to please grant me the grace just to get thru another day. I've become isolated and I'm lonely. I wish I could do more to help you. I pray that you can find a dr that is willing to help you, at least with pain med. I know nothing about the legality laws of medical marijuana where you are , but it's not available to me in Texas. If it were, I would be in line. I would not take my life because I know the pain that causes for the relatives left behind but I have thought at times it would fine if I didn't wake up in morning

Godsgurl profile image
Godsgurl in reply toChica1943

Amen, I totally agree. That is the devil telling you that C-Man. He is the accuser of the brethren. God is a healer. Chica, it is hard to go through this suffering and stay in faith but as a believer there is no other alternative. Where did you get the MR Neurography? I remember Dr. Filler in L.A. did it but it was not covered by insurance plus I heard some bad things about him so I never pursued.

reader228 profile image


I have read your post several times and it breaks my heart. I am so sorry that you have gone and might still be going through this. I am wondering how you are. Could you post to this site to give us an update? Had the disability gone through? Any new treatments and their successes or lack there of? Please, tell all as you have originally. You might not realize it, but your blatant truth will help other and hopefully the medical community will be able to shed light on this awful problem.

P.S. God is all forgiving and would not punish you. We were all born sinners, we repent and are forgiven. There are far worse people in the world with which this doesn't happen to. As others have stated, we all go through times like this and we do not deserve it. Do try to control your stress and anxiety as it will make matters worse. I am the wife of a PNE sufferer who like yours came basically out of nowhere. We think it was after sex one day. Like you, he thought there is no way he can live like this. We are still struggling for answers, we wish you luck!

Gordyhaile profile image

Man... I just want to hug you. This was three years ago and I'm hoping you are alive and relieved of this!!! I'm starting to have some symptoms... nothing like this, which makes me thankful! I hope you respond to this because even though I don't know you I still care about you. I pray to god you're doing well. Much love.

jimgart profile image

I have been in severe pain in my penis , outside my penis, and pelvis, and down my legs to my feet for 11 months since my inquinal hernia operation. I can sleep good,but when I wake up the pain starts. An EMG test shows that I have nerve damage. It has ruined my life. No nerve blocks or medicine gives me relief. I have spent so much mony trying to find out what was wrong with me. I am going for an operation in which only about 5 doctors in the US can help me.

CarolTN profile image

I also have PNE and can agree it’s the most excruciating pain I’ve ever experienced and I’ve had many surgeries in my life for other things and given birth naturally. Mine started as a stabbing pain in my perineum and grew stronger and stronger. It was initially diagnosed as a bladder infection, then some worse sort of bladder issue (by a urologist) which was treated with medication put in my bladder and held for a couple hours. Simply over time my pain got less severe but there was some AND I felt like I was wearing a diaper with a load in it.

After discussing another with my cousin (a retired nurse) she suggested I see a uro-gynecologist. I found one in Franklin TN. When he examined me I had nerve and muscle pain. Finally after almost a year from the onset, I was sent to physical therapy. It’s a little weird because it’s done vaginally but it worked. They also recommended a vaginal dialator which is just a hard plastic torpedo shaped item that you put in lying down and hold it for 5-10 minutes once or twice a week. It helps to stretch the muscles around the nerve.

I think my onset was caused by chronic constipation and a 6 week long cross country car trip. I also had terrible diarrhea at the onset. Did any of you? I wasn’t sure if it was because if the PNE or if I had also gotten a parasite on my travels. I do KNOW that constipation aggravates PNE. Icing helped mine somewhat. And as for suicidal thoughts...I didn’t consider it but it made me understand how people in chronic pain get to that point. I also know you should not do lunges and squats if you have it. The issue is that the muscles are too tight around the nerve.

Debra13 profile image

PM me please. Debbie

Debra13 profile image

I hope you are better I realize this is from 4 years ago. Deb.

Bella_88 profile image

Hi Cman and everyone else,

I like to hear an update from everyone.

I going through the exact same thing.

Its so hard to live life when you have a young family to take of and when your own doctors make fun of you.

I have been missed around a lot by doctors. I would never wish it upon anyone.

What is the cure for Pudendal Neuralgia, i had my steroid injection (after i had surgery removal of a 1cm cyst and paid with my own money and they wanted me to wait 90 days if not more; at the time i was in bed in pain for 4mths).

The injection didnt kick in until 1,5 mths and still feel pain, so i couldnt exercise or run, stand up or sit for to long. It was levet 6 pain and thought that i can live with it until the pain started again and now i am back in bed

I guess i had a good 3 weeks out of bed and now i am back here...

I cant stop crying reading all your stories as i am not alone...

I did mixed pain killers and alcohol..

And i also keep to make pain killers

I felt fucked, i didnt want to die, i just wanted to go to the hospital and not sit for 10hrs to be sent home.. by bodie rejected the drug and vomiting all the pain killers...

Don't do it... it was and i am still in a dark place

Godsgurl profile image
Godsgurl in reply toBella_88

Bella, you are not alone. Did you get a Tarlov cyst removed or was it on your ovary? I have Tarlov cysts in my sacrum and other places. I am going through a horrible PN flare for 3 weeks and in bed. It was sudden b/c I was doing fairly well for over a year and a half.

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