Has anyone thought about sueing the c... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Has anyone thought about sueing the consultant/hospital for possibly causing PN following a hysterectomy, front & back prolapse?

I think the reply would be that every operation has risks, and how can you prove it? My PN followed a routine smear test, and did think about suing the nurse at the surgery, but they would put it down to bad luck, going to happen anyway, and the ongoing stress of legal action would only make matters worse. Nerves love a bit of stress, brings them alive. I put my time into finding relief and research. I also had a hysterectomy and prolapse repair in 2010 and was worried if it would make matters worse for me, it was a difficult decision. However, I did notice a alight improvement of my symptoms as I no longer had the pulling down sensations which aggravated my nerves. more. I know how you feel it makes you angry, how can one minute you be ok and the next completely messed up! Let us know how you get on.
I too suffered same problem following hysterectomy so think it's a more common problem than maybe we want to think when undergoing the operation...I have had many repair operations after things don't quite go to plan but agree all operations carry risk so best just concentrating your energy into getting through the pain...hope you find some comfort soon x
I had a rectocele op in 2010 and am still suffering PN flare ups. So painful and debilitating. No one told me that there may be complications with this op and I was not offered any other alternative non intrusive help ie pessaries. Since then I have moved town and changed docs. This doc told me that all prolapse ops etc., can cause nerve damage. I did a lot of research pre rectocele and no where did I find this information. I was in terrible pain pre op with nerve pressure from prolapse, now continue to suffer. I did feel like sueing, because I was so angry but I feel now that the side affects are part of the op itself, which we're not told about. I think if a woman can find another way, it's always best not to take op options if possible. Just do as much research as possible and find your own way to manage. I now have a bladder prolapse and manage using a daily tampon soaked in olive oil. Good luck...
What are the symptoms of prolapse. I have burning constantly in the vagina and anus area 24/7 but I am told by Drs it is Yeast infection. The Vagina does look angry red but with Antbiotics it doesn"t seem to be getting any better. And I am getting so frustrated with the continual pain.. Any advice.????
Littleblue Drs should be able to diagnose a prolapse but also you feel a dragging feeling in the vagina. Also you should know yourself whether you have a yeast infection which is out of the ordinary from your normal discharge. I have been diagnosed with Pudendal neuralgia after having surgery and the nerves have either been trapped or damaged. Ask 'your doctor if he has heard of this condition as it isnt widely known about but your symptoms sound similar to this. xx
Hi ,
My pn started after a gynaecologist manually rotated a retroverted uterus into ante version. I started to complain of unusual pain within a week, so he performed a laparoscopy which showed nothing. He then advised me to have a hysterectory which I stupidly agreed to, this sent the pn into free fall, after which he had nothing more to do with me.
After a time I decided to try legal action given I had no previous gynaecological history, I felt I had a really strong case against unnecessary major surgery. I got nowhere,and felt very very let down by the system.

Little Blue, prolapse and p/n pain are different. Sometimes, as in my case, the bladder was at the entrance to the vagina so I had no choice but to have surgery. It wasn't an easy decision, but I did notice an improvement, any organ pulling/tugging against the p/n nerve would make matters worse. Antibiotics wouldn't help a burning vagina, unless something else is going on. It wouldn't hurt to take an oral thrush tablet to eliminate thrush as any change in the ph balance in the vagina can aggravate your condition. What's your story?
Littleblue, the symptoms of my bowel prolapse were a bulge in the back wall of my vagina, very near the opening. Because the bowel was collapsing it was pulling on nerves and creating excruciating pain. It was uncomfortable sitting down as it felt like I was sitting on a boulder and nerve pains shot down the front and backs of my legs. It was all very frightening. I eventually had a rectocele which has been successful and i am certainly far more comfortable these days. However, the op left me with pudendal nerve damage which occasionally flares up for no reason and gives me severe pain. I am coming out of a flare up now....Your symptoms sound very different. I do hope you find out what's wrong.