Anyone with PBC tried Rifampin? - PBCers Organization

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Anyone with PBC tried Rifampin?

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15 Replies

Has anyone with PBC been given Rifampin for sleep and itching? And if so, did it help?

Thanks for replies ahead of time

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15 Replies
PBCCarol profile image

I haven’t taken it myself but hopefully others who have will jump in. I have heard many say it helped them

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Purply in reply to PBCCarol

Thanks, yes I am hoping someone will have tried it and can let me know their outcome

Unfortunately, Rifampin did not work for me. Luckily my itching is mild & not constant. Sarna Lotion works well for me.

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Thank you for the reply! I have tried Sarna lotion and it doesn’t seem to help unfortunately and I’ve been taking the Rifampin about a week and can’t tell much of a difference. I go back to dr in March so I am going to talk with him again about some more options because I have scarred my body up from the scratching I’ve done because my itching is so severe I’m getting discouraged but I keep praying - take care and thanks again I’m glad the Sarna lotion helps you

FranSP profile image
FranSP in reply to Purply

My itching problem was severe. I used multiple OTC preparations with some very temporary relief. I now am taking Rifampkin at bedtime. The itching is mostly gone. It’s a new life...

It was one of the first medicines I was given to try and get on top of the itching and lower my lfts but unfortunately it didn’t work, so I was taken off it.

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Thank you for the reply I’ve been taking the Rifampin about a week and I can’t tell much of a difference unfortunately. I have tried so many meds and home remedies and I’m getting so discouraged because my itching is so severe and I have literally scarred up my body

I was taking Rifampicin for the past 6 years because my itch was dreadful. It bought relief within a couple of weeks of starting it. The only problem with my situation was that it assisted with the elevation of my bilirubin level over time, but I had been ill for 7 years prior to starting the Rifampicin. It did make my life more bearable, particularly as I was scratching myself so badly and hat I had scars all down my arms and hands. I think the combination the Urso and Rifampicin kept me going. I am now 4 months post transplant and really feel on top of the world. Good luck on your journey. 😊

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Thank you for replying! I am so glad to hear you got some relief from the dreadful itching and that you are doing well after transplant. Did your scars go away or somewhat go away or are they permanent? My itching is dreadful too and I have been on Rifampin since January 31st and I am finally seeing subtle changes in my itching praise the Lord!! It is pure awful at the scars I have caused from scratching the insatiable itch on my whole body especially arms hands and legs some on stomach and back - I am too embarrassed now to wear shorts or short sleeves it is so awful looking - thanks again for sharing and I am so happy for you that you feel on top of the world that is so encouraging!! Take care!! I see my doctor in March and I will mention the bilirubin level - I told him I had joined this group recently and I was looking forward to hearing from others with PBC because I know y’all can understand what I’m going through

May God bless you and your recovery!!

in reply to Purply

Yes I had some scarring particularly on my arms and hands but also suffered other parts of the body. Most have faded over the past few years whilst on the Rifampicin as I wasn’t itching as much. My dose did increase but then so did my Urso over time. The one thing that did help me during the past three years was excercise. I always felt that if I could walk/run my itchiness wasn’t as bad. I tried to do something everyday but I get the fatigue part as well as we all get that with PBC. I’m not suggesting to run this was just worked for me. Stay positive.

Best of luck in March and stay in touch. 😊

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I will stay in touch for sure! Take care and hope your recovery continues to make you feel the best you can every day. I am going to start walking again and I am going to try and lose the 20 lbs I have gained because that has made me feel even worse and more discouraged also I am having pretty substantial knee pain from left knee because I may need surgery so I am getting ready to try Arthrozene for that before I see the orthopedist in March. March is my month of appointments ha ha :-)! Physical, liver dr and orthopedist - I’m going to keep my chin up and enjoy each day despite these body challenges and talking with you has made me more encouraged to face each day happier and healthier.

My-life profile image

You may want to ask your Dr for setreline. Its an anti depressent. I have been on this for years for depression and i have just started itching. 5 yrs at least with PBC. Many have said it helps them. Ask your Dr.

Middlekid profile image

Hi. I actually was prescribed Sertraline (an anti-depressant) to mask the itching. My itching was so terrible and I wasn’t sleeping. This went on for many months. I ended up seeing a heptologist in Philly who prescribed a low dose of Sertraline and within days I felt a thousand times better. That was 1 1/2 years ago and I haven’t experienced itching since then. It was a godsend.

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Thanks so much everyone!! I’m so sorry I haven’t been in touch lately - the Rifampin finally started working and I mean I hardly itch now so my torture itching has subsided praise God!! I try and praise God every day because my life has changed because I’m not itching that torture itch any longer so I make sure I never run out of my rifampin!! They have me taking Zofran with it twice a day - in April I had to have my gall bladder removed because I was having severe left shoulder blade back pain and abdominal pain - did good with that surgery and I think it helped my PBC some - my alkaline phosphate levels aren’t normal but they have come down - I now need a total knee surgery and I’m trying to hold off - seems when it rains it pours but I’m so thankful for family friends and faith! Everyone take care and hope The person I was talking with that had the transplant, sure hope and pray you are still doing well - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody!!

JanetHill profile image

I took rifampin as a treatment for latent TB so that I could qualify for transplant. I noticed no decrease in itching while on this drug. Benedryl helped some

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