Has any one got any tips for working full time.
I work 8am -3.45 Mon - Fri the fatigue is really getting to me!
My memory also gets worse to the end of the week.
I'm only 51 and feel 91 by end of week !!
Has anyone had to give up work ?
Has any one got any tips for working full time.
I work 8am -3.45 Mon - Fri the fatigue is really getting to me!
My memory also gets worse to the end of the week.
I'm only 51 and feel 91 by end of week !!
Has anyone had to give up work ?
I gave up work about 6 months before being diagnosed with the PBC. They diagnosed Fibromyalgia then. I was working as a carer/ home help but had to give up the cleaning part about 12 months before then because of aches and pains and fatigue. The ladies I looked after were in their 90`s and I felt they were fitter than me. There is no way I could work at the moment.
I was working full time as a secondary school maths teacher up until this month. I requested to go part time but my headteacher refused and for the past 18months prior to that he made my life a misery by continuing to impose extra hours on me. In the end I threatened him with industrial tribunal and he paid out a pittance to get rid of me. I am very angry about the way I was treated but just had to get out as the pressure of work and the stress and fatigue caused by it was getting too much.
I too had to give up work, due to yep u guessed it fatique and pain due to as i now know fibromyalgia and pbc. Im 45 going on 95 or thats how i feel.
Thanks everyone !I'm on my lunch break at mo trying to muster up the energy for the last part if the day
Wish I could afford to go part time there's no hope of getting any help from the benfits people now don't think they even recognize the disease !
My PBC has been/is currently considered to be covered by the Equality Act as a disability and I am applying for DLA. The PBC Foundation provide a great guide to completing the application. I also signed up to Benefits and Work (£19 for a year) so I can access their guides to completing the ESA and DLA forms.
I retired on I'll-health grounds a couple of months ago. I was teaching part-time but the pain, fatigue & cognitive deficiencies just got too much. It took a year but got there in the end. You're right Tessa, it was considered a disability & covered by the Equality Act.
I receive ESA (income related) and have a blue badge as I cant walk very far. i did apply for DLA but was turned down and with my memory/fatigue felt it would be too hard to appeal.
I'm still working part time as a midwife. When I was first diagnosed, I was still working night shifts, and 12 hour on call shifts, but after seeing Occupational Health, was taken off nights, and only work 8 hour shifts. It has made a lot of difference, but I do feel incredibly tired when I get home, and have to go straight to bed. I find I can only work a maximum of 2 days in a row too.
I work 12 days on and two off my shift starts at 8 till 1 monday to friday, and 8 till 2 at weekend, find my weekend on realy hard as am shattered,would love to give weekend but need cash x
I spoke with my physician regarding the deteriorating quality of my life. He ferred me to a rheumatologist who put me on a drug called plaquenil. It is generally an antimalarial drug but seems to quell the inflammatory process. As I understand it, it is the inflammatory process that is suspected to cause the joint pain, fatigue etc. all i can say is that I feel noticeably better. Hope this helps simeone out there!
Thank you everyone for your support and ideas
Didn't have much time off over Xmas and new year going to sit down and see the best way to use my holiday allowance to try and pace myself this year !