Well the day is nearly here for me to av an endoscapy,there going to be looking at my spleen as its enlarged and they want to see if any off the blood vessels are bleedind..To be sedated or not that is the question.
Endoscapy: Well the day is nearly here for me... - PBC Foundation

Hi Donna, I've never had an endoscopy, but my mum and my sister both have. They were both sedated and don't remember much about it. I think its a personal decision, I think you'll decide when the time comes what is best for you. Thinking of you. Hope it all goes well. x
Hi donna, I had one in March and I had sedation...I did not remember anything, nor did I feel anything...in my opinion thats the bast way to do it lolxxx
Hi Donna
My mum has had this procedure twice. The first time she choose to have it without because she doesn't like the feeling of coming around after sedation...but she found it quite uncomfortable. The second time she so opted for sedation which was much better.
All the very best..whichever decision you make.
Thanks all.xx
Hi Donna, I've had endoscopy at least 4 times in 9 years.Twice my esophagus was dilated, so I would not want to do it without the sedation. You are only sedated for a short time. You will need a driver is all. Many years ago, my husband had one without sedation, and he said he would never do that again.
Hi Donna
I have them every 6 weeks for surveillence, I always have sedation but you do need someone to drive you home and stay with you. I sometimes have to have the small varicies tied off so sedation maks this much more pleasant a procedure
Whichever you choose the staff will look after you I am sure, and give you advaice
Good luck
I have had 2 both without sedation. I had no one to drive me home so didnt really have any choice in the matter. i did have gas and air before both and they were over quite quickly. Just time after for a coffee and a biscuit then off back home again.
h thi donna, i had it done last week,they gave me a spray down my throat, but i still gagged and found it uncomfortainable,if i had it again i would be sedated, good luck andy
I've had it done a couple of times and was sedated both times. Don't remember any of it. I think if you need any varices tied off it is better to be sedated. Just need someone to take you home and stay with you but I felt fine after both times but told not to drive for safety reasons. Good luck. X
Hi, I have only ever tried to have one done with sedation and they couldn't do it, The sedation they gave me was 3.50mg of diazapn, this did nothing for me whatsoever as I already have mor than that for pain and relaxation and have done for many many years, I did tell them that they could not sedate me with valium but they didn't take a blind bit of notice, I was gagging all the time and almost being sick so in the end I yanked the tube out that he had tried to shove in for the umpteenth time and gave it him back and walked out.
Hi Donna
I have had it 4 times now, sedation everytime but last time i had throat spray and sedation, if you cant have both I would recommend sedation. Good luck xxx
Hi Donna,
I had it done a few months ago without sedation. A bit uncomfortable but not too bad. Good luck x
Hi Donna, I have had this procedure quite a few times, twice a year, and go for sedation every time, I have had it done once without the sedation just the throat spray and found it very unpleasant, I would recommend sedation, hope everything goes well , and i also have an enlarged spleen but my consultant doesn't seem too worried about it, good luck
Hi Donna. I have had 3 endoscopies and have tried non sedation which was very unpleasant and sedation. I would advise going for sedation unless you are very brave. Good luck.
Hi all ad the endoscapy done yesterday and managed to do it without sedation not very nice but was able to go home straight after.Was told there was no bleed so thats good news,ready for my 2 weeks in the sun were hopefully i will recharge the batteries.Thanks for all the comments so glad there is friends i can talk to.xxxx