i have just been diagnosed with pbc. I am due to have a fibroscan and ultrasound in a couple of weeks. No idea what a fibroscan is. Also can anyone give me an idea of what info i should be looking for from my consulant when i next see him after the scans have been done. Have just started on ursodeoxycholic acid,
What is a fibroscan?: i have just been... - PBC Foundation
What is a fibroscan?

hi there its horrible when you first find out your diagnosis isn't it? i've been diagnosed 14 yrs now and age 53 now and i can remember the fear and uncertainty. Lack of reassuring advice then made it difficult. I have an ultrasound every 5 years but not a fibroscan, don't think they are widely available in every hospital but i believe that some consultants use them as an alternative to a liver biopsy to stage your pbc. My understanding is that biopsys make staging difficult as there may be different staging going on in different parts of the liver making it an unsuitable tool. However maybe you'll get a more reliable result from the fibroscan, i would be really interested to know how you get on.My ultrasound had showed deterioration after 5 years but just some scarring no signs of cirrhosis so they were happy with that. Guess you know this bit already but the urso will improve your liver function tests so your consultant should be able to see that when you have further blood tests....hope this helps, good luck x
Hi, I've never had a fibroscan only ultrasound and biopsy, so I read your blog with interest. I found a link to a fibroscan and it sounds a straight forward and pain free diagnostic tool. fibroscan.co.uk/fibroscan_l... - Hope that puts your mind at rest.
With regard to your consultant, sounds like he is just trying to build a picture of whats going on at the moment. He should feed this back to you on the day of your consultation and also write to your GP. Write down what you want to ask before you go (to make sure you don't forget your important questions) and ask if you can have a copy of the letter the GP is sent.
As spoul says the Urso will work to improve your LFT's and so the consultant will want to see you again to see how you are getting on.
The fibro scan sounds good.
Hi I have had a fibroscan, I felt so lucky because I had a liver biopsy when I was first diagnosed, The fibroscan is non invasive and is painless, the results are given to you immediately.
I had a fibroscan (my first) recently.... it was a doddle....
Apparently not all patients are suitable I believe it is less reliable if you have a lot of upper body fat, but I have and it worked well for me... But I have heard a number of people who have not had reliable readings... Mind you you are not guarenteed a perfect result with biopsy either and at as the fibroscan is none invasive, its worth a try!
Just had liver biopsy, sure wish I could have had a fibroscan but it is not approved by our FDA (Federal Drug Agency, also oversees medical devices.) Apparently one can get a fibroscan in some places but insurance won't cover it and it is extremely expensive. The only reason I can see that it is not used over here is because an American company hasn't figured out how to make money out of it yet. No other reason, since it is safe and non-invasive. I know it isn't perfect but socialized medicine has its advantages.
hi all i have HCV and had a fibroscan few months ago had a rating of 12.8 kPa
its just the same as a ultrasound but it send vibration pulses in to u and waits for the echo to return and that when they put u on a chart from 1-14 . for me it was the stiffness of my liver and have found that is the top end of bad and i had my scan on the NHS but im uk i know a little more about the scans but only under stand the results as far as hep c is involved and i dont under stand what this will mean for other problems