hi guys
has anybody had their Fibroscan scores improved after taking urso?
hi guys
has anybody had their Fibroscan scores improved after taking urso?
My first reaction was to say 'yes' it can improve. To my knowledge, if the Urso is working and your 'numbers' are improving then those bile ducts are allowing the bile to reach the liver - so it can function optimally. If everything structurally is improving with Urso, then I would think any damage could be improved as well. You also have to consider (not to burst your bubble) that a different machine or even a different tech can make a difference as well. Are you liver enzyme numbers improving on Urso?
I’ve had many of these and they bounce around. When it did go down and then up and of course I was disappointed, but the tech said it’s only a point in time. I believe it’s the overall trend/pattern they are watching.
Hi there, I've been taking Urso since Feb last year, after 3 weeks of taking bloods we're nearly normal, no problems with it, not had another Fibroscan yet so don't know if there is a difference, be interested to know this though
I have been since 2016, and my Phibro scan scores dropped consistently until last year when they went up a little bit. My initial score was 8.2 and the last one was around four.
or so dial is not all I have done. Since my diagnosis, I have made extensive changes in my lifestyle, including removing toxic chemicals from my environment, drinking filtered water, cutting gluten and significantly changing my diet.