I have been diagnosed with pbc for the past 12 years and taking ursi. Alp slightly above normal but below 200. Was put on statins for high cholesterol but these brought on a weird itch so stopped taking statins. I also take 20mg pantoprazole daily for reflux, which I can’t do without. My ferritin is low at 21. Just wanted to know if people take statins/ppi with pbc and how they affect you,
pbc and statins : I have been diagnosed with... - PBC Foundation
pbc and statins

I have been taking Simvastatin 10mg for a very long time fortunately with no adverse reaction. I no longer use a PPI.
Has your itch stopped since you no longer take the statin? If not it may have been a coincidence as there is an "itch" associated with PBC.
thx for reply. How did you manage coming off the ppi as every time I try I get such acid in my throat
also could I ask if you have lp too
I lost some weight, added kefir and plain yoghurt to my diet. I take a probiotic to increase my good gut bacteria and when necessary use Gaviscon double action tablets.
did u have acid reflux
Would do love to come off ppi
Thank you for responding to me. Also do you have lp too?
Can you tell me what lp is please?
I was taking a statin a few years before being diagnosed with PBC. I’ve had no side effects from them.
Hi Mel l was diagnosed with PBC in 2018 and 2 years ago with Rosuvastatin due to moderate plaque in my arteries the statins were prescribed as a preventative measure even though my cholesterol wasn’t high. I have been fine and my PBC blood results are still with normal range. The first statin prescribed Atorvastatin caused leg crams so my gp changed it to a different one hence Rosuvastatin. I don’t have reflux anymore as l have changed what l eat and for me it worked. Good luck
I took pravastatin for years, but doc changed me to rosuvastatin. No problems with either med. I've just found The Acid Watcher Diet by Dr. Jonathan Aviv at my library. Interesting read as I found many of my throat symptoms (trouble singing, continuous post nasal drip, hoarseness, feeling of lump in throat) I thought unrelated were actually due to acid reflux. My gastro had diagnosed GERD at last appointment. I'm trying the healing diet he suggests; so far so good. I seldom took PPI since many of them make lupus symptoms worse and I don't need that! I hope to sing again without sounding like a teen boy in voice change. Good luck.
My reflux/heartburn/nasal congestion all disappeared when I went gluten free. Took a few weeks but all gone now!
I was put on a statin and it caused bad liver pain so I went off it and got a fibroscan and it showed F2 fibrosis. I believe the statin caused this!
I was diagnosed some 24 years ago with PBC and I had a high cholesterol my consultant prescribed Fenofibrate with good results.
I understood that people with liver disease cannot take statins or not recommended. .?