Hi - just wondering if anyone also has low white blood count with their PBC? My WBC is 3.6 (in particular low lymphocytes and neutrophils). I am AMA and ANA (borderline) positive.
Just wondering if a low WBC common for PBCers.
Hi - just wondering if anyone also has low white blood count with their PBC? My WBC is 3.6 (in particular low lymphocytes and neutrophils). I am AMA and ANA (borderline) positive.
Just wondering if a low WBC common for PBCers.
Hi Farah - don't know if it's common but my white blood cell counts varies between 3.6 and 4.5. I think it has been on the low side even before PBC diagnosis in Jan 2020. Not sure, for me, whether it's just the way I am or if it's in any way exacerbated by PBC. My platelet count and Lymphocyte counts are usually lower than reference as well.
Cheers, Bruce.
I have very low white blood cells. It started near same time as I was diagnosed with pbc. Neutrophils are very low. I have gotten no explanation from drs for this.