Hi was just wondering if anyone gets itchy palms and it goes down to my fingers mine itchs so bad that Ive make them sore from scratching one hand is worse than the other. I was told I have PBC 4 months ago Still all new to me.
PBC : Hi was just wondering if anyone gets... - PBC Foundation

Hello Dese.
Yes I sometimes get itchy palms and it affects my fingers so I too end up having a good scratch. Mine comes and goes. I tend to have the itching confined to night time these days but feel prickly during the day if I sit down for a certain amount of time or am out and about and have to bend at the elbow, feel very prickly in the crook then as do at the backs of the knees if I squat/kneel down.
My feet and toes get it at night and I notice that it starts when my feet get warm. I try to keep cool if I can as when I get warm, especially in the colder months with all the artificial heat sources about everywhere, I find I feel very prickly during the day.

Thank you for that because I'm newly diagnosed I haven't got a clue think I've still got my head in the sand hoping all this will go away I know it won't. I'm on Erso I do feel better in myself been on them 4 months. It's just the itching I don't get it all the time though. Sorry to burden you sometimes I just get carried away..
Sorry I meant Urso. lol
Hello once more Dese.
Hopefully like me your itch will subside the more days go by taking the urso. Took some time for mine to change in severity but it is tolerable most of the time these days. Hoping I can go on living with it like this and it doesn't return to the stage it was in 2010.

Hi again..I hope so i hope yours stays good for you. I always look on here. It's been a god send to me. You take care stay healthy.
My arms are my worst it comes & goes I can settle down for a time then have a bad week . x
Hi Dese, my fingers and palms itch too. It comes on suddenly and goes away as suddenly. It can get really bad and I have to take off my rings and sit on my hands. It can be recurrent for a week but then disappear for a week. My palms turn red and warm too, before the itch starts. I think it is tolarable, though, my biggest problem is the joint pain. The pain just drains me. But it gets better too at times so hold out for the good times, that's what I try to do.
Hi. Thanks for the reply I too get joint pains,sometimes I feel like I'm going mad with all the things going on. My head itches my arms ache my stomach gets upset. O god what next. I just tell myself whatever gets thrown at me I'm gonna keep fighting. Good luck with yours and keep fighting.
Yes I have a itchy right Palm ,had in now for 2 years , always very dry skin on my palm , nothing seems to work to totally take it away , I'm itching it now while typing this , I've tryed every available hand cream and the most effective is aveeno (green) .
Hi Dese, I've found that my itch has progressed from my legs initially to feet and toes, hands arms and one side of my scalp at the minute. To say it drives me insane would be an understatement nothing i've tried works at making the itch go but I'm hopeful that one day I will stumble across something that works for me.
I hope you manage to find something that works for you sooner rather than later. Please let me know if you do as I am willing to try anything just in case it works.
Take Care
I get it in my hands and fingers as well, hands go bright red first and then it's as though i have touched something I am allergic too and they itch like mad.
Hi. Thanks for reply I don't get it all the time but I know I had this long before I was diagnosed. Today is a different story I feel itchy all over driving me mad. I'm going it get some antihistamines take one every day see what happens my next appointment is April. I'm newly diagnosed. so I'll be asking lots if questions I'll probably drive everyone mad. Lol take care.
I sometimes take piriton X