I was diagnosed as testing +ve for AMAs, years ago - decades. However, I have always had perfectly clear, annual blood tests - despite some junior medics assuming that having AMAs automatically means that I already have PBC - which is wrong.
Until recently, I thought / hoped that I would never develop PBC, but over the past few months I have begun to develop some of the symptoms of PBC: fatigue, memory issues, and now itching! Until the dreaded itch struck, I was assuming that my symptoms were due to tiredness, etc. after a mega-bunion op in Feb. and months of convalescence and various degrees of incapacity. But now that I'm relatively back to normal - foot - and everything- wise ... the symptoms are persisting, plus some itching has set in...
So, question... I live in South Devon: can anyone recommend a PBC specialist in the county? I live midway between Exeter/Torbay and Plymouth, so travel in any direction doesn't make much difference - ideally I'd go up to Queen Elizabeth's in Brum, but that's probably not practical in the long term.
Any help and advice gratefully received! It would also be good to know if a fellow-Devon PBC sufferer - somewhere beyond Exeter? - is still around, on here. It's so long since I was on here, that I've forgotten my nickname - Gritty?!