Hello All from S. calif. I’m confused with a diagnosis I’ve gotten from my Hepatologist. Some background info...positive AMA neg ANA. I had thyroid removed b/c of pos. Thyroid Antibodies, pos ANA, and toxic nodules so I can’t use thyroid function tests to help research my diagnosis.
My LFT have all been low side of normal for the past few years. We’ve been doing blood work and Liver scans every 6 months. I’ve done endoscopy which confirmed above finding of dialated Common Bile Duct and Pancreatic Duct with no obvious obstruction at the time.
I just had blood work done GGT, ALT, AlS,ALP etc are now all elevated in the out of normal range after years of being flat lined Alpha Fetal Protein remains just out of range and I’m always slightly anemic blood work wise. My Dr has explained he feels I have congenital Choledochal Cyst that will eventually rear its ugly head requiring surgery and reconstruction of all duct system
Has anyone else been considered for above cyst rather than PBC? I’ve started with extreme itchiness, hair loss, bloating occasional nausea and fatigue with inability to sleep more than 4 hours straight Im trying to learn more before my follow up appt about beginning of stages of PBC so I can ask the right questions of my Dr
I know this is long winded, ny apologies and in advance..I thank you!