Hello, so I've spent the last 3 weeks in a state of constant anxiety because I had a blood test which showed that I am positive for AMA's with a titer of 1:20. The reason for the test was elevated liver enzymes found in a routine blood test, but that was evidently due to alcohol (I drank a bottle of wine the night before) - my liver was retested a few weeks later, at the same time I had the AMA test, and all my enzymes have returned to normal since abstaining.
So, to the point: I am very confused, because it seems that my AMA level is barely above normal range (which is apparently under 1:20 according to the lab results). I've also read things, though, which say that a normal titer is under 1:10...so I'm basically wondering if anyone has any thoughts with regard to whether I may have PBC. I have not heard anything from the specialist whom my GP sought advice from following the positive AMA result, and I don't know when I will - my country is now in lockdown so everything is delayed. For context I'm a 26 year old man and I am healthy other than the apparent presence of AMAs in my bloodstream. All IGM, ALP, ALP GGT etc levels are totally normal. Slightly low white blood cell count is the only other abnormality (3.8, while minimum normal level is 4, yet my lab result notes nevertheless say "no abnormality detected" in that regard).
I'm also confused about whether everyone has AMAs or not. Does my 1:20 titer simply mean that I am positive, period (which is scary) or does it mean that I am extremely close to a normal level of AMAs (which would presumably be 1:19 and below)?
Thanks in advance.