I am averaging 2 hours a night deep sleep, the remainder snoozing. Any suggestions on getting more sleep. I go to bed exhausted but still average the 2 hours.
PBC and Sleep: I am averaging 2 hours a night... - PBC Foundation
PBC and Sleep

Me too. Looking forward to seeing any advice. I just put it down to my age and weak bladder though
I take magnesium and drink a herbal tea. The magnesium approved by my specialist. Also when it was too bad late last year my doctor recommended that I take melatonin which I did for a week or two, which helped be get back into a sleeping cycle. I also regularly exercise and meditate. All these things help though I do still have the odd bad night. Good luck, sleep is so important to well being and also to feeling good.
I use 5HTP (Hydroxytrytophan)
Tried every herbal/meditation going you name it and I've tried but nothing works..maximum sleep time 4hrs doctors won't help I've tried to explain to doctor how I feel but nothing. Tried Melatonin but bad for liver anyway didn't work...so if anyone has an idea i personally would love to know. Have PBC for last 17rs.
Same issue with my doctor, specialist was zero help also. Going to try the magnesium. Herbal tea does help some nights but still never a full nights sleep. Many thanks for your advice.
I don't have that problem. Most of the time I'm so fatigued that when I go to bed I just crash. There were times that I have slept 17 or 18 hours a day
Been there and still there—struggle to find a fix to get rest. Tried relaxing music, some otc drugs doc prescribed, tea, everything google suggested and no help. I’m lucky to get 2 hrs too! My doctor suggested 50mg of benedryl at bedtime. That worked for a bit but then back to no sleep. I think my problem was my sleep cycle was messed up. So I took melatonin for a few days to see if that would straighten it out and it has some. So now back on benedryl until I get off schedule again. Benedryl doesn’t only help to fall asleep, but does help some with the itching. I have also added a diffuser with essential oils to my bedside table. Lavender is a good one to use for sleep and relaxation. Good luck! Glad to know I’m not alone.