How concerned should I be ? My latest lab tests indicate that my alkaline phosphate has increased and is increasing slowly ! Freaked out as I don’t know what this means for me and can I reduce these levels with diet ? Xxx here’s hoping
How concerned should I be ? My latest lab tests indicate that my alkaline phosphate has increased and is increasing slowly ! Freaked out as I don’t know what this means for me and can I reduce these levels with diet ? Xxx here’s hoping
Mine were abnormal to begin with & it rose another ~40 points or so in 3 months. My hepatologist is concerned so he is running more tests. If it is the pbc, have to go on ocaliva. He will chat with me when he has the answers.
Talk to your hepatologist about your concerns.
I will of course. I thought I would ask here first. I was diagnosed with pbc 3 years ago my original alk phosphates were 500 plus then when I wAs prescribed urso they brought it down to 130 ish but in the last 6 months it has gone up to 190 ish ?? I’m wondering what I have done eating / drinkin/ anything wise !?!?!
After urso my numbers were normal, but last year or so, my alk phos trending high/abnormal. It is not anything we did. I increase my lipitor dosage...it might be that too. Meds can have an impact.
Also diet can contribute to a fatty liver which might cause a higher number too.
For me, it is not the diet or lifestyle; I lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks by adding exercise.
When I was in your boat, I researched how to decrease inflammation through diet and came across intermittent fasting. In one month's time all my symptoms were gone, ie, bloating, GI distress, loose stools, etc, and my liver enzymes dropped back to normal. I do intermittent fasting most days now, only eating between 12pm and 6 pm most days. I feel so much better I don't mind it all. And my liver enzymes continue to drop a little lower each time and are always normal. Good luck. There is much we can do to fight back against chronic diseases if we enlist our body's inherent ability to heal us.
Talk to your Hepatologist about going on Ocaliva. It is specifically designed to reduce Alk Ph. levels. I've been on it since the FDA approved it and my numbers are now in the normal range and I've had no side effects.
Yes. Water liberally, coffee with stevia and a small bit of cream.