I’m wondering how many of you have had elevated IgM, and what your dr did to follow up. Mine was elevated July 2019. My internist ran the test and nothing said. My hep knows it was elevated and during my visit with him Friday, he mentioned it but seems he disregarded it. I’m not sure what I think. Seems he would have ordered more tests or something to find out why. Said sometimes it means nothing or could have something to do with protein, which was normal in February. 🤷♀️
IgM: I’m wondering how many of you have had... - PBC Foundation

Are you already diagnosed? I also had elevated igm... My understanding is that it is just a marker for PBC... My hepatologist ran it after I had a high ama m2... Mine was never ran again I thought it was just a marker. I am not officially diagnosed at this time I just have those two markers. That was about four years ago I go about every six months and it has never been ran again. Hopefully some other people will chime in as I do not actually have the official diagnosis of pbc.
Prior to my pbc diagnosis, my hepatologist ran a comprehensive panel of blood work including immungloubin G & M. The M was normal, but G was really high. This was indicative of something going on & my doctor wanted a biopsy.
We never ran these tests again. I think they are used to diagnose or investigate the condition. There is nothing to do about it. It is the way it is. I suspect if they were run again...would still be high.
Per Webmd If your immunoglobulin level is high, it might be caused by:
Chronic infections
An autoimmune disorder that makes your immune system overreact, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or celiac disease
Liver disease
Inflammatory bowel disease
Cancer, such as multiple myeloma, lymphoma, or leukemia
This happened to me as well. My dr sent me to a Hematologist and he ran extensive tests to rule out multiple myeloma. I went to him twice, one year apart and he said I had a lot of antibodies but the ones he were concerned about were in a proportion and therefore not an issue and no need to come back. It was discovered by my endocrinologist and she said we will just watch it. My gastro and my Rheumatologist both insisted
I see the Hematologist.
I had mine repeated from the endocrinologist a few times as well.
Mine was elevated when i was dizgnosed 3 years ago with pbc i think when its elevated they know its pbc but apart from that i dont think its relevant.
Only just saw this post - yes I’m sure both are true. Raised IgM is indeed a marker, but not a specific one, for PBC and often remains raised when other markers are falling in response to treatment. Mine is consistently abnormal but not very high. I’m guessing a high level should be followed up, as you say. Hope you get support with this.
Best wishes
Skypony, my rheumatologist sent me to a hematologist. I have monoclonal gammothopies (MGUS) undetermined significance. Hema is going to follow with labs in 6 months. Some patients go on to develop some form of blood or bone cancer but some never progress to that. There are no symptoms with this and they do not treat it. I’ll pray I’m one who doesn’t develop further😊
Oh definitely, always expect to be on the good side! You’ve got loads of resilience, and you’re great at picking up on these things. I think your post may help others too - not something I was aware of certainly.
Please keep us informed when you get your next results.
Sending very best wishes x