I read that almost everyone diagnosed with PBC has an elevated Igm level. I am curious to know if that is true? I have elevated ALP and 24.3 on an AMA - M2, but actually have an Igm level in the 60’s which is the very low end of the reference range.
Igm levels: I read that almost everyone... - PBC Foundation
Igm levels

Sorry don't know what lgm is? X
Hi Dwaffle16
I have looked through copies of blood test results that I have and cannot see anything relating to Igm which I had to look up.
Is this what you have highlighted?
Immunoglobulin M (IgM), which is found mainly in the blood and lymph fluid, is the first antibody to be made by the body to fight a new infection.
The link may be helpful,
I've not heard of it being high in people with PBC but if you have a link to where you read it I would be interested in reading the article.
i don't think I've had this test done, certainly not listed on test results I have , unless it's part of a screening where it gets lumped together with other tests.
I think the important thing is your result is normal as long as it's in the reference range for your lab.
I hope this works as an edit to my earlier post, I've jus read the diagnostic tools listed on the PBC foundation web page and it does state that IGM is raised in PBC and sometimes the IGG.
Yes it is true, and actually forms part of the criteria for a positive diagnosis. I am positive for it along with AMA M2
Thanks for all of your input. I don’t know specifically where I saw it. When I started googling PPC I just read That almost all people with PBC have elevated Igm.
It’s true, when I was initially diagnosed it was IgM = 452, IgG=1,140, AMA=1:1,280, and ANA negative.