Hello all,
I have had AMA M2 positive in a titre of 160 since 2015 and was the same in May. I’m exhausted and have had ‘flu’ for about a month now. I also have arthritis which has always been queried rheumatoid but never diagnosed. I tested positive and negative for ANA at different points in the past. I am fed up now as I feel so poorly. my GP is taking my bloods this week in preparation for seeing my liver dr on Dec 5th and I want to make sure I ask for the right things. I’m very fatigued and I am getting one illness after another without breaks.
They will do full blood count, renal, AMA, ANA... what else do I need to make sure they are doing? Vitamin d, IG’s, iron stores I will ask them to check as they’ve been off in the past. Anything else?