Due to my weight loss I had to have a colonoscopy/EGD today just to check things out. Dr said if he found no reason in these procedures for weight loss, I was to stop Ocaliva immediately.
I did have a few polyps which he feels are not suspicious but sent them to pathology anyway.
I saw this GI when first diagnosed with pbc. From there on I saw his nurse practitioner. She was aware of weight loss but obviously from what he said today, he wasn’t aware of it. Thank God he’s paying attention. Said if Ocaliva is the problem then it’s doing more harm than good. Low weight is hard on liver. I take no more for a month and see him to check wright. He feels my liver is in good condition and hopefully one month off that drug won’t hurt anything. If I do gain some weight in the next month, he said Hepatologist needs to find something else for me to take.