Hi I had the work capability assessment a week or so ago and the result was permanently unfit for work either full or part time. She told me at the appointment. I am just waiting for my confirmation letter. I still don't know what to make of the decision yet, it will take time for it to sink in, and still not sure about how I feel about leaving the job that I love. X
Work capability. : Hi I had the work... - PBC Foundation
Work capability.

Sorry, you got such a hush assessment result. What type of work do you do? Perhaps, it'd be better for you to switch to a different, less demanding work? If I understood correctly, the assessment was done for a particular job, not all possible jobs.
Hi Vespa27 good to read that you have had the assessment although the result has obviously come as a shock to you, I am sure it will give you time to adjust and maybe after the summer when you know how you are feeling you may be able to look for something that does not keep you on your feet for such long hours (if I remember correctly).
let us know how you get on.
best wishes
Hello I have had pbc for around 12 years, along with vasculitis which started around 3 years ago.I struggled to keep working reducing my hours and then switching to a less stressful job but finally left work at age 53 a year ago.I feel so much better for it I can use my limited energy for what I want to do and when it's a bad day I don't have to do anything.I didn't want to finish work and it's hard having no choice and obviously I miss the independence and income but I am really glad now I did it and looking back I realised just how bad the last couple of years working had been.I hope you are able to find the best solution for you.Jane
I completely understand. I'm Just 45 yrs old & had to completely stop working. This was two years ago. I was just recently placed on disability. It is a difficult choice, but my body, nor my metal state could do any job the way I was able to work three or four years ago. It's hard & saddens me. But I know my body & when it says it's time to slow down, I have to slow down or I end up in the hospital. There are many on this forum who've gone through this very same thing. Best of luck, & it does get easier, when you slow down.
Stay Strong ❣️
Hi Shulsey, I am concerned about managing financially ... I would like some idea of how much money I would get each month...I get some universal credit, but not much because I work and I have no idea how much this would be if I stop working . ESA comes under universal credit these days and any information would be appreciated so I can make my decision by the end of May thank you.
Thank you for your replies guys, I must say that I am slowly feeling a bit better about retiring. My job is event security, and involves long travel time and shifts, sometimes returning straight home, after a ficficult shift, which is a 400 mile round trip. My assessment is not based on type of work, its just based on my ability to work and I am struggling at home as well and not just at work. I can't seem toget anything done...I can actually admit that I am struggling, which is a positive in a way, and its helping me to decide my next move. I can't make anyone understand what I am feeling or going through in terms of health, but I expect I am not alone in this. Its all about money and whose going to pay the rent. My boyfriend is going to apply for carers allowance, he's a gem but admits he doesn't quite understand everything about my illness, I just said, niether do I lol...does anyone know how much extra you get with your universal credit (ESA)....everything comes under the universal credit umbrella now...as money will be my final decision on retirement...thank you.
I will keep you posted xx Alley.
I had to leave a job I loved at 36.
.i had glandular fever which drastically accerbated the then undiagnosed pbc.
Was also pregnant at the time body just couldn't cope.... Unfortunately I didn't recover hardly at all.
I had to fight for it but got esa and dla but got it now...
Good luck... Try for everything.. And appeal..
It's sad to not be working... But its just the luck of the drawer xx
Hi cazer thanks got this. I am still at work but have to stop...I have had my first payment of ESA....but I need to wait 1 month to see if the payment is as goid as this. The payment is based on my working 10 hours per week for the ladt 5 weeks, but hoping its as good next month. Just need to ensure that I can manage. I am in London currently , so I have not seen my award letter yet. My son will have a look for me tonight and let me know. Thanks for your help hun...I am hoping that I can retire but we will have to see. Also I am not touching the money, I will pay it back should I decide to remain working but less hours. Thank you hun x