I've started to notice I don't heal as well as I used to, like a simple cut takes weeks to heal..is this part of pbc and if so why ?
I've started to notice I don't heal as well as I used to, like a simple cut takes weeks to heal..is this part of pbc and if so why ?
Hi there
I've noticed this aswell also bleed a lot from a simple cut. A few weeks ago I burned myself on the oven took weeks to heal. Then the other day it just started bleeding again. Very strange I thought. So mayb it is a pbc thing
Morning l have PBC and was diagnosed just over a year ago but have had it a lot longer going by the results of my biopsy. Bleeding or bruising can be a symptom of PBC that needs to checked. I would mention it to your hepatologist.
yes Pinkcrush I have also noticed this. I wonder if it has something to do with the liver working so hard already. I do not have a clue really and certainly no medical knowledge to back up any supposition but if one part of us is poorly I guess it must impact on the rest of us.
yes we do not absorb vits a e d and k properly... which affects clotting and skin... best to ask about clotting and you may need a supplement for vits
best cazer.
I am experiencing that also to some extent. I am also diabetic (pretty much under control, though) And I'm 69. I think age, diabetes and a chronic disease all add up to slowing up the healing process. I have not had a problem with smaller cuts but I cut my shin last spring pretty badly and it took 5 1/2 months to heal, with me going to a wound care specialist and then a podiatrist weekly after the first month or so. It was very discouraging and I am REALLY careful these days. I had never had that problem before and was not expecting it. It kind of shook me up.