Experiences of Ocaliva: Hi everyone, What’s... - PBC Foundation

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Experiences of Ocaliva

Hils67 profile image
35 Replies

Hi everyone,

What’s your experience of being put on Ocaliva? My Gastro is considering putting me on Ocaliva as the Urso doesn’t seem to be working properly. I’ve googled the side effects and it seems to give conflicting advice. One site says reduces itching as fatigue, the other says side effects include itching and fatigue!

Just wondered what others have found. Also, do you take with Urso or instead of it?

Best wishes

Hilary 💕

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Hils67 profile image
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35 Replies
gwillistexas profile image

Hils67...G’morning. I take ocaliva alone & have no side effects. Have taken it little over a year. 😊

Lawyers profile image

FDA issued a black box warning on drug. You can Google information. Check with your doctor.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Lawyers

Yes & if you read far into that warning, drs were not prescribing correctly. Not necessarily Intercepts or Ocaliva fault. Some drs simply do not pay attention to dosing instructions set out by Intercept. All prescribing physicians receive the dosing info. If they ignore it that’s their negligence.

DonnaBoll profile image
DonnaBollAdministrator in reply to gwillistexas

You're right about incorrect dosing by docs when the drug first came out. They all should know dosage now. It is NOT to be taken by someone with advanced liver disease- noncompensated cirrhosis. Most do take it with Urso. Some have experienced increased itching for sure. Weighing possible benefits is what each person taking it has to do. Many need at least a year on Urso to be considered a non responder.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Lawyers

I had only been on ocaliva a couple weeks when that warning came out. Yes, I was scared to death. I was scheduled for labs in 3 months. I couldn’t get straight answer from my dr whether my dosing was correct. I ended up talking with a pharmacist who apparently was with Intercept. Needless to say she took my drs name & said she had to report it. He received a phone call from then I received a call from him. Needless to say he was pissed. I was then scheduled for monthly labs for 4 months. Drs are told to check labs monthly for few months to watch for problems. Intercept does not take those things lightly.

Lawyers profile image
Lawyers in reply to gwillistexas

Good to know. I read the warning. Just put it out there as an FYI. Nor to scare anyone. I was one drug for years to treat depression. FDA issued black box warning. I happen to see it in medical magazine. My doctor knew nothing about it. Many people had liver failure and injury. It is now off the market. It can be scary. Glad medication is working.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Lawyers

My numbers have been perfect for many months. But having said that, my fibroscan in August showed small increase in fibrosis. Even though fibroscan is not totally accurate, I’m very concerned. But until I see the hepatologist & discuss it all with him, I’ll keep taking it. All drugs are a little scary but we have to decide to take or not. 😊

Lawyers profile image
Lawyers in reply to gwillistexas

Never had a fibroscan. Only liver biopsies. One in 2004 and one in 2018. They are both grade 1 stage 2 fibrosis. In 2004 was diagnosed with AIH. Numbers not high enough to treat. I live at doctors getting tests constantly. Was also diagnosed with CREST. But only developed RE. Was so stressed out. We move to different state and I did not have liver tests for 9 years. Felt great. Finally went and ALPs were high so they said PBC along with biopsy. Now anxiety is back. No symptoms other than that. On Ursidol. Should have had bloodwork two months ago. They think my son has chrons so need to deal with that first. Never a dull moment. Who knows how accurate any of these tests are. Wish you best of luck.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Lawyers

Oh my. My labs suggested CREST as well. Negative on all heps & RA. No lupus or sjogrens. I’ve not seen rheumatologist as of yet. I have no insurance st preseason I’ll focus on liver until... I feel great but have trouble keeping my weight on. That’s another thing I will discuss with hepatologist to see if he feels it is due to OCA. True about tests. Hard to think something is wrong when we feel so good. If I weren’t AMA positive,, I would say I don’t have PBC. But I do. It’s so comforting to have this group. Other support groups do not compare. Hope your son gets along okay. 😊

HealthyChik profile image
HealthyChik in reply to gwillistexas

Hi gwillistexas,

Do you mind sharing what labs you had done to suggest CREST. After learning that PBCers often have an overlap with another autoimmune disease, I ran to a rheumatologist who ran a battery of tests. Almost wish I hadn't done that.. lol. He was very vague about the results. Said I had random positive tests and maybe leaning towards Scleroderma/CREST. I looked at the diagnostic criteria and don't think I fit the bill. He got really defensive when I questioned him and barely gave me any answers. Just a frustrating experience and I'm not to the point of seeking another opinion just yet, but I won't be going back to him..grrr🤨

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to HealthyChik

HealthyChic...it was the ANA Cascade. It is in fact a cascade of tests😊

HealthyChik profile image
HealthyChik in reply to gwillistexas

Yes..that sounds similar to what I had. Mine included a Lupus/SLE tier among others. I had a few positives but nothing conclusive, and there were over 50 antibodies tested. Just a confusing experience. My hepatologist explained that simply because I have an autoimmune condition (PBC..and Raynaud's) that I'll likely throw a positive for random antibodies..said I may or may not develop anything else. Felt the likelihood was low..so I'm just going to forget about it until I develop new symptoms. Thanks for your reply.😊💕

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to HealthyChik

Yes mine was only suggestive of schleroderma. I’ve had no symptoms that I’m aware. For now I’m not worrying about it. 😊

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Lawyers

*no insurance at present. Love autocorrect 😁

DonnaBoll profile image
DonnaBollAdministrator in reply to gwillistexas

Dosage is either 5 or 10 mgs. Everyone should start on 5mgs. It's important to watch cholesterol levels when taking it along with regular (every 3-6 months) liver panels. If itching becomes a problem, there are many drugs available for use.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to DonnaBoll

Fortunately, I’ve never had an itch before or after starting Ocaliva. I’ve had no symptoms of PBC ever. They did try me on 10 mg once when my ALP went up. Made me so sick we dropped back to 5 mg.

Lucky4 profile image


I was put on Ocaliva after years of being on Urso then becoming a partial Urso responder. My AF was always higher. I had no side effects from the Urso. However, I developed some side effects from the Ocaliva namely, it makes me feel a bit sick, gives me a bad taste in my mouth and makes me more tired; this developed after a few days. I was told that Ocaliva can initially make the itch worse but that usually improves.

I was prescribed 5 mg daily. However, due to the side effects I take it every second day. I've tried every 1 1/2 days but it affects my quality of health. I got good improvement with the daily Ocaliva so it was really disheartening that I could only take it every two days.

I suspect I react to certain fillers so it could be a filler reaction but I don't know. I still get some benefit with the Alk P at the every second day to make it worthwhile.

I've had the bad taste with other meds so I suspect this is unusual; when I looked into it, there had only been four reports.

All the best with it, Hilary.

Hils67 profile image
Hils67 in reply to Lucky4

Thanks Lucky4,

I’m waiting to hear whether my gastro wants me to take it, just thought I’d research it a bit first.

Thank you xx

DonnaBoll profile image
DonnaBollAdministrator in reply to Lucky4

Thanks for sharing your experiences and how important it is to often 'trial-and-error ' adjustments to taking it.

Hils67 profile image
Hils67 in reply to DonnaBoll

My Gastro has since kept me on URSO and we decided to just keep monitoring my numbers. Thankfully they haven’t increased too much and my ALP is still hovering below 200 🤞

DonnaBoll profile image
DonnaBollAdministrator in reply to DonnaBoll

We all experience PBC differently, don't we? Each of us hopefully finds what works for us. Here it helps just to share what's working - and what's not.

JaneEyre55 profile image

I'm on both Ursodial and Ocaliva; no bad reactions to either, guess I'm lucky. I have PBC and AIH, stage 4 according to my Hepatologist

DonnaBoll profile image
DonnaBollAdministrator in reply to JaneEyre55

Good to hear that taking both meds is helping to keep your numbers stable. How long were you just on Urso? Were you a nonresponder to it?

JaneEyre55 profile image
JaneEyre55 in reply to DonnaBoll

I am still on both meds and still stable 🙏

Sandymh profile image

My consultant suggested I try Ocaliva and said I would still infinite with Urso. I have refused the Ocaliva.

DonnaBoll profile image
DonnaBollAdministrator in reply to Sandymh

Are your liver numbers improving on Urso? Some take up to a year to really see if they are a responder to it or not.

Sandymh profile image

Stupid auto correct... Still continue with the Urso too.

Hils67 profile image
Hils67 in reply to Sandymh

Can I ask why you refused?

Sandymh profile image
Sandymh in reply to Hils67

Hi. My only symptom is constant itching. After reading side effects, I'm not prepared to take any medications than I'm already taking, that could possibly cause more harm to my liver or kidneys. I am 72 in a week's time, and apart from itching, I am well and prefer to keep like that as long as possible 🙂

Hils67 profile image
Hils67 in reply to Sandymh

Thanks Sandy,

Happy birthday for next week! Thanks for the info.

Best wishes


Sandymh profile image
Sandymh in reply to Hils67

Thank you Hilary. I wish you well in whichever treatment you decide to go ahead with. I'll be interested for an update.


DonnaBoll profile image
DonnaBollAdministrator in reply to Sandymh

Are you responding to Urso since you started taking it?

DonnaBoll profile image
DonnaBollAdministrator in reply to Sandymh

If your numbers are improving, I can understand why you would hesitiate to take Ocaliva. Often we need to question what doctors want us to do. Advocating for ourselves is so important in so many ways with this disease. We all need to keep learning all we can.

ROprish profile image

I'm on it and I've had no side effects, but thankfully I haven't had much itching ever. I'm stage 4 PBC and stage 2 cirrhosis.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to ROprish

ROprish, I have a question. How long have you been on it? Did you progress while on it or did it stabilize you?

Not what you're looking for?

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