What does it mean when the mitochondrial antibody result is 66.1?
mitochondrial antibody: What does it mean... - PBC Foundation
mitochondrial antibody

Mine was 128🤭. My test shows <20 is normal.
So, I wonder what that means?
But not everyone with positive AMA M2 alone, has PBC. Sorry , should have said that in the beginning. 😊
Hi yankeerose
Have you joined the pbc foundation? Its free to join and has a compendium which covers everything pbc related.
AMA-m2 is usually ( although not always) found with pbc. There is no correlation between levels of AMA and disease progression so doctors don’t often check the level after diagnosis as it doesn’t really matter how high or low it is.
AIH, is usually suspected if ANA or anti-smooth muscle is detected and a biopsy would be required to get a diagnosis. If you have any concerns then you should speak to your doctor about this.
Try not to worry too much. Sometimes we learn too much from google and stress doesn’t agree with autoimmune conditions. Enjoy the holidays.