Question for anyone with osteoporosis who has been given residronate. I took my first pill yesterday, as per instructions, didn't sit for half an hour drank with two glasses of water on an empty stomach. As the day progressed I started getting a miserable ache under my right ribs, as when I get an attack (pancreatitis, bile duct issues, etc.) and it was really horrible last night. Didn't eat or do anything else that could have touched it off, normal usual diet, normal usual activities. And this is when my enzymes had been normal two weeks ago and I haven't had any pain for two weeks before after months of attacks. I know that residronate and all the bisphosophonates can give stomach issues, but anyone have experience with something like this touching off an attack? What does one do? Continue with the pill next month (it's a once a month pill)? try a different kind? Stop and try a different medication (not a bisphosphonate, maybe an injection? Or will that have the same reaction)? Any response from someone with experience with a bad reaction to residronate would be welcome. Thanks!
problems with residronate (bisphosphonate) ... - PBC Foundation
problems with residronate (bisphosphonate) for osteoporosis

Hello Freidasima, try to use PROLIA (I have very serious problems with osteoporosis...I've done two times vertebroplasty) is an injection, one per each six months....maybe is useful than pills...of course like any other med has + and - , good and bad effects, tell to your doc about it!
Take care of you!
I have been taking Risedronate for about six weeks. I take one 35mg tablet once a week. What strength tablet do you take? Only once a month seems very infrequent. Up to now I don't appear to have had any adverse reaction but I am visiting the dentist next week and I know there can be problems with dental surgery. Feeling a bit nervous about it. You say you didn't sit down when you took your tablet . The instructions I have is to take tablet first thing in the morning before anything else (food or drink) with a full glass of water and to remain upright (standing or sitting) for thirty minutes. Are you in the UK ? Eileen
Hi. I took a 150 mg. tablet that you take once a month. I stood up the entire hour after taking it which is even better than sitting upright. I took it with two glasses of water. The problem wasn't my stomach but rather as I suffer from autoimmune disease of the pancreas and bile ducts it seems to have started off an attack and I've got a lot of pain under my ribs in the right radiating towards the back. That's what happens when I get a pancreatic attack. I had finally been doing well after nine months of non stop raised amylase and other enzymes they had gone back to normal....and then I took this pill and WHAM...It's really awful. No I'm not in the UK but I go to a hospital gastro who I contacted and asked whether he knows about any known interactions in my gp had said that he didn't know of any when he gave me the pill. Also now I hear that the pill isn't for everyone and there are other options. But at my age(58) our health coverage only covers pills for that age group, only over 65s can get the injections.