I am 47 and my cycles have been a little irregular...not much. I had a heavy period last month and now I'm late this month. I took a test...its faint, but definitely positive. My youngest is 3....now what? 😢
Oh sh*t! 47, positive pregnancy test and pb... - PBC Foundation
Oh sh*t! 47, positive pregnancy test and pbc...now what???

Ohh.. you want more kids if not you no the option..
hi marty102
I have never had the blessing of children so my view is possibly a bit different to many who are mothers. As you are 47 now when the baby is 20 you would possibly be 68. I am now in my 60s and I love my step-grandchildren so very much but I know that I do not have the stamina to have them with me 24/7.
I wonder if you could talk this over with your hepatologist to see how much impact having a baby would have on the PBC or the medication of PBC might have on the baby. It is a difficult decision facing you but know that you have lots of support on here which ever way you decide.
best wishes
I would say a blessing at any age. If your youngest is 3 chances are you already had PBC when you were pregnant then even if you didn't know at that stage, I would see your doctor as soon as you can so they can keep an extra eye on you.
i had 3 normalish pregnancys then the fourth was a nightmare... they think that i had glandular fever whilst pregnant and the combination knocked my pbc much further on. i was really ill the whole time... baby was delivered 5 weeks early as he had stopped growing... he's fine now... 18.
the problem is that I was left pretty ill... terrible fatigue etc etc... unable to work and needed help with all my children.
lve just recently had s transplant. everyone is different but sometimes the body just rebels!!!!
l suppose having had what happened to me i would be thinking about the children you have.... i didn't know i had pbc until then.... so had no idea what might happen.
sorry to give a negative answer but I wanted you to know that it can be difficult in some cases.
not an easy decision.. good luck best wishes cazer.
First step a chat with your Dr I would think? If you are basically healthy your PBC shouldn't be an issue as lots of us have had healthy pregnancies with PBC. However, if there is damage to you liver or you need to take major meds this will need to be discussed.
I think talk to your doctor and your family and let the shock and surprise wear off and think about what YOU really want, for yourself, your health and your family. No one else should be judging you.
Hi Marty, I would say you're in a big dilemma, you need to be healthy for the children you already have as well. I had pbc on my second pregnancy, albeit 20 years ago but still very difficult. I'm 49 now and have a beautiful 7 month old grandson and I can put my hand on heart and say thete is no way I could manage looking after him fulltime. I had a transplant 8 weeks ago and still can't lift him properly but prior to that, even just an overnight stay really took it out of me. Yes children are a huge blessing, and I went through ivf myself at 39 yrs but you definitely feel the difference as your condition wotsens. Good luck with uour decision whichever way you choose xx
My mom's sister had a twins at the age of 49 but she didn't have pbc..
I think in your situation first priority should be your health and your 3 years old..
Good luck
I think you need to talk to your doctor and hepatologist. Then when you have your facts and information, get real still and listen to what your heart, soul and body are telling you. Then, just follow your instinct. A lot of people have children in their late forties. I know a lady that had twins at 52. Anything is possible
Hi Marty,
First thing - take a deep breath and then maybe two or three more Then have your doc run a blood test for pregnancy to confirm or rule out pregnancy. Urine strips can show a false positive for many reasons.
God Bless!
Hi marty102, well...some auto immune disorders actually improve during pregnancy......I feel for you , talk to liver guy and obstetrician ASAP,best wishes