I had my fibroscan yesterday. I will see my liver Dr Monday. I have had a lot of issues going to work. A few months ago I put ion a claim for social security disability. I seem to call out more than work. Either I am swollen or abdominal pain or sick. On Tuesday I go to the ss Dr for mental exam. On August 1 I go to as Dr for physical exam. Hoping I am granted, since my income is little to non. And I am single with limited family financial support. Not to mention all my test and Dr appts monthly and how exhausted I am. It is overwhelming, depressing witch is making me anxious and flaring all my symptoms. I spend a lot of time in bed. Last week I was feeling pretty good and took on extra hours when I wasn't scheduled. But it took a toll on me I've been in bed since I got home from the fibroscan yesterday, I called out of work for today. Anyone else have the work problems like me?
Confused: I had my fibroscan yesterday. I... - PBC Foundation

ABSOLUTELY!!! I had to resign from a job I loved & worked hard to get because of this disease. It also took my career as a hair stylist. My last day of work was April 27th. Im in the middle of a disability case as well. I had my comprehension exam done, now Im scheduled for a psychological exam. I hate it, Im just 43 yrs old with children & no income unless my claim gets accepted. I pray daily something good comes my way. I completely understand where your are. All we can do right now is pray pray pray🙏🙏🙏
I'm 50.. with 1 daughter 23 who lives in Massachusetts. And 1 daughter 18 leaving for college on August 26. I was able to get my gas, electric and cell phone bills that were all way past due about to be shut off, paid by a Catholic charity group. All of which were about 300 each. My parents and my aunt/uncle are helping me with car insurance and car payment. I go to food pantries and started my application for food stamps and utility help. Praying my SS gets approved. If I'm lucky I get $100 week now... when I used to bring in$700. This sucks. Sorry you're going thru this also.
Yes, it sucks. I get tired of depending on assistance. It's hard for me to take when I have always worked. I do live with my fiance who just barely makes ends meet. He has two kinds of his own that he needs to provide for. So I pretty much feel like more of a burden these days, on top of everything else. By the way, my name is Shannon. In stage 4 PBC with cirrhosis & small esophageal varicies, among other issues. Are you in the UK or the state's??
I live in New Jersey. On an island. My name is Angie. I know the feeling of feeling like a burden. It sucks. I used to work 2 jobs and loved it. Took care of my house and kids. Coached soccer and we always were doing something fun. Now I struggled day to day. Last week I felt like my old self but it only lasted for 5days, than I was down again. I will find out exactly what stage I am on Monday. My psych eval for social security is on Tue. I just pray my claim gets approved. I am probably going to have to move back into my parents house due to my financial difficulties. If my depression wasn't bad enough. Lol. This site is a godsend. I will keep in touch
My work put me on there own disability scheme look into this please as your work might have this but not saying go to personnel
That's a little different than how we do disability claims where Im from. I've never heard of a business having their own disability. It's probably much faster to be granted disability through a company. I know of someone who has been waiting for a couple of years to get their disability granted & she suffered a really bad stroke, can't work at all.
Im the same way. I miss at least a day a week if not more. Im torn because i need the money and insurance. But my body suffers. If when i go to work i struggle with fatigue and concentration. My Anxiety gets so bad at times it limits what I can do at work not to mention the muscle loss and weakness. Sorry for the long response. Hope you are able to get disability and start feeling better. Hugs
I can't work anymore, too ill and fatigue is terrible most days.