Just a quick question : Just a quick question... - PBC Foundation

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Just a quick question

Lmur profile image
33 Replies

Just a quick question !! When they say take urso at night , is that at bed time ?? I thought you had to take with food so when they say take at night do they mean with your evening meal or going to Bed ??

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Lmur profile image
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33 Replies
Shulsey profile image

I take mine in the morning & the second one I take before bed. I don't normally eat with mine & have had no problems.

Lmur profile image
Lmur in reply to Shulsey

Really I'm on 4 and was told take at night but on box says take with food so I changed my time and take them with dinner I don't have any problems now but still all new to me as I'm only on them 4 weeks

Shulsey profile image
Shulsey in reply to Lmur

I take 2 500mg daily. It's said to take with food on mine as well but I've had no problems. I have hypothyroidism also & take a pill for that first thing when I wake. I can't have anything at all for a hour after or the medication does not work. Then after the hour I take all of my other meds together. I don't normally have breakfast because I have no appetite usually. Then I take meds in the afternoon, not Urso though. Then right before bed I take the rest. Guess Im a lucky one with no nausea after meds.

Shulsey profile image

Oh, I've been on Urso since 2012

Lmur profile image
Lmur in reply to Shulsey

It's so new to me worried about everything and if I'm taking them properly .. havnt to see consultant again until July and going on holiday next week so worried about that as well

Shulsey profile image
Shulsey in reply to Lmur

Why are you worried about going on holiday? Try to relax a bit, every one of us here have been where you are & we're still here😉. Stress is something that's hard to bypass but it is also not good for us PBC'ers. In my case, it can cause my varicies to burst.

bobbycat profile image
bobbycat in reply to Shulsey

i asked my consultant about stress and varises and he said it was unlikey to make them bleed ..they bled once quite badly - I am under stress which is hard to stop at present so I hope they dont burst again.

Shulsey profile image
Shulsey in reply to bobbycat

Bobbycat, I see a heptologist at a university hospital & by what he said that there is a possibility of that. I too am having a difficult time with stress at the moment. Living pay check to pay check is difficult. I can no longer work unfortunately. So we are just a one income family of six. I hope your situation changes soon for the better.

bobbycat profile image
bobbycat in reply to Shulsey

thats hard...stress is difficult...I can feel my blood pressure rise high and then I worry...the bleed was not fun and I dread another........

All the best to you.

boneytoys profile image
boneytoys in reply to Lmur

If you are just taking urso I don't think it matters ..morning or night..

Hello Lmur.

I have found it is best to take after food. I space mine out 3 times a day and take after breakfast, about an hour after lunch and then the final one a couple hours after the evening meal.

In the early days I did take morning and evening. (I used to have 2 x 300mg tablets but then had to be changed due to pharmaceutical licence being withdrawn so got 4 x 150mgs.) i would take the final tablet around 9p.m. and used to have a drink and couple of plain biscuits (ie Rich Tea) as I find I can start to feel I've a bit of heartburn otherwise.

You can actually take the urso when you feel like it. Some do take it late at night before bed but I think you'll find how it suits you over time. I do think in the early days it is best taken in spaced doses as opposed to all at once though. In my case when I did take it all at once of a morning I found within a couple hours I started to itch. After 3 days I gave up as I knew definitely the urso as I only itch at night these days.

Rockie profile image
Rockie in reply to

Peridot. I also take mine morning, lunch and after evening meal. I have asked if anyone have problems with their teeth. I seem to be having a lot of that lately and every time I feel ill after a visit to the Dentist. I also have Hashimotos and the PBC

in reply to Rockie

Hello Rockie.

I haven't experienced any rapid deterioration of my teeth since being diagnosed with PBC December 2010. I am 53 now and I've just got several fillings but as yet had no crowns or caps or whatever they are called, false tops I call them.

The bottom middle tooth that I have that is loose started to go a bit brown from the gumline a couple years ago. It was last year the dentist mentioned it and said it would either just go all brown over time and it would be rendered dead or it would become loose and fall out. 3 months on from my latest check-up the tooth isn't very different from how it was when I went to the dentist and he said he was going to just leave it to drop out naturally.

I do suppose that as we age like our bones our teeth could become victim to deterioration. I know I have nearly all my teeth still but I know my gran and father did have dentures from their 30s (I remember my dead having all what he had left extracted).

Rockie profile image
Rockie in reply to

peridot. Thanks for the feedback. I suppose at 76 years of age, I must accept my teeth cannot look like a young girl's teeth. Lots of things change as one gets older and I think this PBC is progressing the changes. Keep well. I must say the itching seems to be less or shall I say I can control it, but have to watch very carefully what I eat. All the best

195748 profile image
195748 in reply to Rockie

Hi Rockie. I have PBC since 2012 and last year was diagnosed with oral lichen planus which was picked up by my dentist. Had to have a biopsy of the inside of my cheek. Apparently it is also linked to autoimmune disease. Not required any treatment for it but advised to change my toothpaste to one that doesn't contain SLS as this is apparently an industrial foaming agent! That is present in most toothpaste The one that doesn't contain this is sensodyne pro enamel so it's worth while keeping a check on your mouth. Take care

Rockie profile image
Rockie in reply to 195748

195748 Thank you so much for this valuable information. I am going to discuss it with my dentist when I go for the follow up appointment on the 22nd June. I suspect that is what I have too.

Quilter1 profile image

I take 2 x 500mg, been told to take with or just after food so take at breakfast & evening meal

Diane62 profile image

I take 6 a day when I remember tbh. Sometimes with sometimes without food. Diane

Dieselwales profile image

I take 1000mg per day, & have them immediately after my evening meal.

Used to take them morning & night, but was advised its better at night !

Who knows ??? It appears many of us have been told something different !😁

Always just after food, as consultant advised I've kept mine to two separate doses breakfast and evening meal.

janetfolley profile image

Hi I take all my Urso tablets together at breakfast time with food. I have been taking Urso tablets for 14yrs since diagnosed with PBC and never had any problems. I hope that solves any problems.

Ginnymax profile image

I take mine morning and night .without food .

Lmur profile image

Thanks everyone !! Still so much to learn and understand 🤤

Wocket profile image

I take mine at breakfast and lunch. When I took it with my evening meal it made me sick at night. It might be that I am ok taking it now because my stomach has got use to it.

Rockie profile image

Lmur I take mine after evening meal. Does anyone ever experience having problems with their health after a visit to the Dentist. I was just wondering as I seem to have a very bad reaction to the injections.

Lmur profile image
Lmur in reply to Rockie

I have not been to the denist yet so dont know that one yet !!

alpha3 profile image
alpha3 in reply to Rockie

Several years before diagnosis I started getting gum infections in spite of going to the Dentist regularly. My Dentist asked me if I'd been feeling unwell as she said if there is something wrong with your health it often shows up first in problems with your mouth and teeth. At the time I was feeling not too bad but about three years later was diagnosed with PBC. I'm now 77 and and four years into diagnosis and thankfully no longer get mouth infections although my teeth are no longer what they used to be.

Rockie profile image
Rockie in reply to alpha3

Alpha 3. Thank you so much for this information. I am 76 years old. I have told the Dentist so many times that I have autoimmune diseases, i.e. thyroid, PBC, but really it is a disease people are not very acquainted with. I spent a fortune on teeth, fillings, crowns, you name it and he says he will not give me false teeth. It is not that I want them, but just cant handle these teeth any more. I suspect I have Oral Lichen Planus as my other friend on this page suggested

alpha3 profile image
alpha3 in reply to Rockie

I haven't heard pf Oral Lichen Planus Rockie but will look it up on Google. My Dentist has told me that I'll probably lose a couple of my lower front teeth shortly which is a bit disheartening after years of looking after them.

Rockie profile image
Rockie in reply to alpha3

alpha3. Thanks. I also googled it this afternoon. Will discuss with Dentist. Terrible to battle with all these issues when you get old. All the best

kristieerhodes profile image

During dinner would take care of the food. I think it's because taking it at night will help cut down on the stomach issues you may experience while awake.

bobbycat profile image

I take one morning, one lunchtime and one evening meal although sometimes I land up taking two in the evening if I am out at lunchtime. No ill effects.

gwillistexas profile image

I spaced my Urso (for short time I was on it) 12 hours apart.

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