I was diaganosed about 4 years now and apart from itching and tired seem to doing ok, still manage to run round after 2 kids,work 2 jobs and go to the gym, just wondered if anyone was given any advice to change their diets or things to avoid apart from alcohol, would be great to hear from anyone who has been told to eat or avoid any certain foods.
Food advice!: I was diaganosed about 4 years... - PBC Foundation
Food advice!

I did my own reading and research and decided to go gluten free (I read that eating gluten is throwing fuel on the fire of auto-immune disease) It's only been 6 months but when I had my liver function blood tests recently all were back within range. I decided to cut right back on alcohol, and then having done that, have found it hard to tolerate even a glass of wine without getting a headache, so am nearly tee-total too!
Thank you for your reply, I will do a bit of reasearch as well and look in to the gluten free idea, I just wondered if anything would help and it's good to know if others have tried things that work.
KatherineM-PBC I sounds as if I have written your message. Exactly the same. Since I cut out gluten and no alcohol, my liver readings are very much better. I also used to suffer with upset stomach. That is also much better now
Sugar, fats, salt, dairy and processed foods cause inflammationdamage which accelerates scarring and damage to the liver as well as joints and organs throughout the body. I read the alkaline diet is a good choice for those with PBC since it helps keep one's PH balance at optimal levels lessening inflammation and damage to joints and organs.
What is in an alkaline diet?
I will post a link to it tomorrow
Most fruits and vegetables, soybeans and tofu, and some nuts, seeds, and legumes are alkaline-promoting foods, so they're fair game. Dairy, eggs, meat, most grains, and processed foods, like canned and packaged snacks and convenience foods, fall on the acid side and are not allowed.
Alkaline Diet Plan Review: Does It Work? - WebMD
I'm not certain about gluten but I do make attempts at seeking out gluten free foods, what about organic breads
it depends on the list of ingredients....if its high in fat salt or sugars then it will cause inflammation which will cause more deterioration throughout the body from stiffness, achy joints, to neutralize acidic foods the body takes calcium and potassium form the bones etc weakening your body. But I began noticing i had stiffness and achy thumbs knees and feet when i ate dairy, meat and coffee....sadly i loved coffee but can no longer drink it as i become so stiff and its painful. At this time i Had no idea i had PBC, i just knew my body preferred and felt healthier on the alkaline diet as my aches vanished within a few days and stayed away as long as i avoided processed foods, meats and dairy . What works for me is to eat to vegan type meals and one meal of anything i want such as a hamburger or meat, that way Its not too harsh for me and i can survive since i am not totally deprived. I lost weight form this and am feeling very energetic and go to the gym often now. My levels are normal again so Hopefully this will help slow down the progression of this PBC . I know its helping me lead a full life once again and its helping me avoid damage to my heart and bones since i no longer have run away inflammation THROUGH OUT MY ENTIRE BODY.
Ayurvedic Doctor in India said to avoid
I read it over and over these are difficult for liver to metabolize. Use coconut oil, olive oil, stevia, salt substitutes, Himalayan salt instead
I don't eat gluten either. No fats sugars salt alcohol artificial preservatives artificial sweeteners no additives no dairy and no flamatory nightshades ! I was diagnosed stage one 26 years ago and remain stable
My Consultant told me to eat plenty of mushrooms, nuts and seeds and copious amounts of green tea.
No alcohol, gluten free only helps if you are allergic to gluten. No artificial sweeteners - they are like poison to liver. No processed foods or foods with additives. Our liver numbers return to normal but that doesn't mean our liver is improving. Urso slows down progression but doesn't stop it.
When I was diagnosed about two months ago I went straight to as much raw veggies and fruits as I could possibly afford! I'm not a big drinker but figure that until my numbers are down to the normal range and my liver and spleen are not inflamed/enlarged I won't go near the stuff....
Funny thing is I've been craving berries and salads for about 6months now...lol. I also cut out red meat, digestivley it's hard on me...I eat chicken/salmon or shrimp mostly as well as eggs or beans to sustain me.
I've not cut out gluten or dairy but have tried to cut back on both...had pretty much cut out processed foods already and working in the sugar...
My biggest accomplishment has been home cooked meals...that has been a struggle for a few years now as my life has slowly become very busy. I'm using my crock pot more and cooking larger meals planning for left overs or to freeze for future heat and eat meals...
I am also planning to can/dehydrate and freeze more of my own fruits and vegetables this year. The more control I take back over of my own food production and preserving the better off I will be!