Can anyone explain if there is a connection between PBC and a low platelet count of 75?
PBC and Platelets: Can anyone explain if... - PBC Foundation
PBC and Platelets

Hi there ... yes, if your spleen is enlarged it harbours too many platelets causing a decrease in the amount of platelets in circulation. I have an enlarged spleen from PBC and also low platelets ... my platelets run up and down, but always below normal.
Hi everyone thanks for the replys. It would seem that the enlarged spleen would be a common denominator in PBC. However none of my consultants has ever mentioned that. They acknowledged the fact that sometimes the spleen can hold back the distribution of the platelets. Each Dr. Has said that they didn't think my spleen was enlarged. Is there a scientific way of diagnosing the size of the spleen?
My platelets can go up as high as 120 and as low as 75. But I haven't been able to get a handle on as to why this is.
I have been told there is a link between having "Ulcerative Colitis" and PBC.
I have a platelet count of 52 always been low mine is due to having enlarged spleen were platelets get trapped all to do with PBC .
just wondering if you had to have extra platelets when having dental work.? mine are 66...the dentist knows but wondered what point they give top ups? cheers cazer. l too have pbc and v. enlarged spleen. x
Mine range from 70-75; as with the other respondents, it's from the spleenomegly or enlarged spleen due to the PBC.