My husband doesn't have diabetes but his glucose is so high
Has Pbc
Who can explain?
My husband doesn't have diabetes but his glucose is so high
Has Pbc
Who can explain?
Hi Mysa1981
Do you know what his number was and what the parameters are from the laboratory. Is this just one reading or more?
A friend once had a test the morning after luxuriously dining out the night previously. Having had an exotic dessert her levels were elevated. She was retested having been advised to have the blood test after normal foods and her bloods had returned to a more normal level.
There are apparently other factors that can elevate blood glucose levels such as stress or certain medications.
Hope someone comes along soon who can be of more help.
best wishes
You need to fast for 24 hours for a true reading this is from a doctor I see I would ask the doctor who did the test first then if not happy get a second opinion from a endocrinologist they specialize in diabetes and hormones. Good luck .
Let us know.
Yes, I have. As a matter of fact, my high glucose showed on Jan 3rd at 130 in the middle of the day. In theory, it's not that high, but I had not eaten just before. I also had moderate keytones in my urine. I went to an ENT for my tinnitus about a week later and he suggested that my Internist run an HbA1c to test the glucose average in hemoglobin over a three month period. Sure enough, it came back elevated, at 5.7, which is the low number for prediabetes. 5.7 equates to 117 glucose average. Have your husband's HbA1c checked. Go from there.
I'm not sure about hba1c
He just had blood test
It was 120 in November
And 167 in January
He wasn't fasting
I have diabetes. A non-fasting glucose test doesn't really tell you anything. What you ate an hour ago can affect your blood sugar level and it will go right back down again in someone who does not have issues. It must be a fasting test to diagnose diabetes. For the A1c test you do not have to be fasting because it gives you an average blood sugar level over the past three months. Once you have been diagnosed as diabetic, the A1c is a better test but I'm not sure if they run that one if you haven't officially been diagnosed.