HI friends...I have joined a gym to add yoga to my workout regimen...I am determined to be as healthy as I can. The gym has a steam room, and I'd love to use it to help easy achy muscles. Do you know of any reason why we should/shouldn't do steam? I am hoping it aids in the detoxing process, also.
Steam rooms?: HI friends...I have joined a... - PBC Foundation
Steam rooms?

I can't think of any possible reason why not!
Hello JennyCville.
I cannot think why anyone with PBC couldn't use a team room (sauna).
I have been curious for some time regarding saunas as I think it might help open pores and maybe help a bit with anyone who itches with PBC (like me - at night time these days).
I posted this question on here a couple years ago regarding saunas but at the time I was having treatment for a nose graze (had to have a few cauterisations as wasn't successful at first) mand anything like steam, etc wasn't recommended as it would ultimately result in nose bleed.
Can't imagine what possible harm it could do.
I asked a physical trainer about this, and he told me there were two concerns with saunas/steam rooms for those of us with auto immune issues. One was hydration. He said to make sure you stayed fully hydrated...the other was that warm, moist environments promote bacteria growth. And we would be more at risk to "catch things" if the saunas were not properly sanitized. I also wonder if the heat would make one itch more..I know I can't take hot showers without itching like mad. Just some thoughts...hope it helps.
gmo3352 I give up I just thought it might be a good thing to sauna until I read your answer. I am totally clueless.
Oh no, Rockie! Never give up! I think the disease affects us all differently, and we need to live our lives to the fullest! Give the sauna a chance, see if it benefits you! I am clueless, too! Can't let this crazy PBC rule all of our thoughts and actions. I love all the info on this site. It helps me weigh benefits v worries. For example, I know I should start my day with something other than a sweet roll and coffee, but that is my guilty pleasure, and it lifts my spirits ( wish power walking or something healthy did, but, oh well), so sweet roll it is! In the scheme of things, it's not so awful, and it makes me feel for the moment that my life is normal. Hold on to life's joys. If the steam relieves your pain, how awful can it be? Please let me know how it works out...all the best to you
Currently I am stuck with a harness on my left leg. 9th March I slipped on my clean kitchen floor and fractured the patella., Spent 7 days in hospital. doing very well, using walker and crutches. I am taking calcium etc. but it is also due to PBC. By the way I cannot really complain as I am 75 years and was always very active. Just feeling a bit helpless, but that will change soon. At the hospital nobody had a clue about PBC. Stay in touch
I am reluctantly inclined to agree as I was advised to stay away from swimming pools etc because of infection and chlorine on my skin. As I have mentioned before I never took any notice of my Pbc for 20 years except not drink alcohol but now I am stage 4 with cirrhosis I feel very differently .I was lucky not to have to worry for those other years though and I did swim etc and didn't get ill from it then.
JennyCville. I agree with Peridot. Might just help, we need some or other miracle
Hi, We go to the hot pools quite often and the itch is always wirse after that, not sure if it will be the same?
Dear Jenny - I don`t know the answer to your question but love your attitude to be as healthy as you can. You have inspired me to do more myself. Best wishes. Diane
liver-bird, and all~thank you for your thoughtful and encouraging responses. I stay away from hot tubs because I always get a urinary tract infection when I "indulge" ~And we HAVE ONE IN OUR BACKYARD. I am going to give the steam room a try after doing yoga. And I'll discuss it with my docs next week when I go to NIH. (this is our National Institute of Health)
Hi Jenny, I have used a steam room in the past but not since PBC diagnosis three years ago.I am 76 years old and had foot and ankle surgery in January to correct polio deformed foot. Like Rockie who replied to you I am now walking with a support boot and crutches but am determined to get back to my previous fitness. I hope to start physio soon, but fingers crossed I will soon be back on my bike and also regaining my mobility. I've always thought physical activity is the way to good health, so good luck with the Yoga etc. Also, best wishes to Rockie who appears to be in the same boat as me.
Hi Jenny, my gym has a dry heat sauna. I use it after a spin class or a yoga class to reward myself for actually working out. I set a timer to make sure I am only in there for 10 or 15 minutes, just to be on the safe side. And I make sure to be hydrated. I feel like it is a good thing because I feel amazing afterwards. It's really nice.
I did read that the heat helps a little with detox by opening up the pores and allowing sweat to carry some toxins out of the body, but I don't know if that is reliable info or just wishful thinking. Either way, I feel less stressed and relaxed afterwards, so that is worth something!