Well folks I'm so heartily fed up of aches and pains that my consultant reckons is not down to pbc😫 that I'm going to try something similer to my dog!i have my old golden retriever on a supplement called yumove which is quite frankly brilliant.after he kept out of the car and ran up the hill today with me limping in his wake I decided enough a enough so I've ordered the human version called imove.will keep you posted if this helps in anyway.fingers crossed
Fed up of aches and pains: Well folks I'm so... - PBC Foundation
Fed up of aches and pains

I think it's great to make such undangerous experiments, when there is no risk, and we have to be creative. I'm on cordiceps sinensis, (produced Nu skin, agelock r2) and I feel the difference. I'm not tired already at 12, I have much more energy, and also significantly better blood results (haven't had so good lfts for 15 years). I suppose that glutenfree diet (also introduced 3mths ago) added something to r2's benefits. Best wishes!
Hi I'd be really interested to hear how you get on 😊 Hopefully it will work as well for you as it has for your dog. As I'm writing this there is not a bit of my body which doesn't hurt 😢 so fingers crossed. x
After various apps with rheumatology they have decided my arthritic symptoms are just that caused by the pbc. On the positive it means my joints aren't deteriorating. Though some docs don't believe that pbc causes this. I'm lucky my liver specialist does. Hope that helps.
Yeah I'm the same. Been tested for rheumatics and arthritis, thankfully they came back negative, plus I've had a bone scan which came back normal so I know my bones / joints are fine. One of the main symptoms I had before diagnosis was severe bone pain, especially in my hips and legs. Thankfully my GP and liver specialist both confirmed, after the various tests, that the pain was caused by PBC. I have been prescribed lots of different pain killers which haven't helped so I don't take anything, purely because it makes no difference. Excercise helps but if I overdo things I'm in agony for days. So I'm very interested to see if the imove supplement helps Cazz22. 😊
Cheers for the info especially Tigger-that just sounds like me.as I dont(yet) suffer from fatigue or itching its a frustrating thing to have because other than constant aches and pains I feel great.im hoping the vets have something the doctors don't know about😀I will keep everyone updated under the heading Imove x
I was told by my consultant that my aches and pains weren't down to my PBC as I'm early stage normal bloods except AMA really high. He sent me to a rheumatologist who diagnosed fibromyalgia but sorry to say still nothing helping I seem to have been given the diagnosis and just left to carry on as I was before! Might be worth asking about it though??? Would be interested to know if what you've ordered helps I may give it a go if it does!
Unbelievable the aches amd pains are listed in the symptoms so why is consultant saying it's not that !!!I am beginning to wonder what these consults are up to! !! Good luck with the tablets. Cazer