Help: Hello Everyone I have just had to... - PBC Foundation

PBC Foundation

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9 Replies

Hello Everyone

I have just had to finish work because my job was finishing so I received an agreement settlement which includes a lump sum. Now what do I do? They were very kind at work and let me do simple tasks because I suffer bad with fatique and concentration due to PBC and also have athritis in my fingers.

Am I allowed any benefits because I don't feel I can do much job wise. If so which ones? Is there a right way to go about answering the questions on benefits forms? I always feel that people don't take me seriously even Drs and Specialists because I look like Theres nothing wrong with me.

Any comments greatfully received


9 Replies

Hello sophie9.

I am not familiar with claiming benefits but I find it interesting reading at times due to the fact one day I never know with myself. I was diagnosed with PBC Dec 2010 andI am now 50. I did end a full-time demanding job back in 2010 but it was my husband's decision that I should finish. After much deliberation I decided to hand in my notice. I've not worked in paid employment since but I went back to voluntary work (shop) as I had done that in-between and during paid employment.

I've not claimed any form of benefit since ceasing work but I do have my own small income monthly from my late first husband as I was left a widowed mother when I was quite young. I keep this pension for life and I know that it has always been counted in when I was working for tax as it is taxable. I don't think I would manage a full-time job now like I did previously - on my feet all the day, rushing about and it was quite manual. I probably wouldn't have a problem with a previous part-time post I had as I didn't start until 11a.m. and worked until 3 but that was manual and on my feet up and down stairs all the time I was there. I find some mornings I can get up with the larks, others due to lack of sleep during the night because I itch I find I am extremely sluggish but have to pick myself up and get on.

I keep applying for part-time jobs as and when they sound interesting and the hours and times seem fine but my husband always manages to convince me to leave it be. We have sort of got used to having freetime without problems with getting time off work, he is quite flexible for a day or two on holiday but I never was. Also as he says his wage is by far adequate and I do have a small income.

My 4yr old grand-daughter took ill when she was 3 and was diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes. My daughter was informed by the diabetes charity to claim DLA. I know my daughter came to my home with the form and it is lengthy. Children still come under the DLA ruling until they reach 16 but anyone over now has to claim the new PIP.

I have found sites that deal with the new PIP and will post the links here for you. The DWP from the National Archives might be interesting to read.


I cannot verify the information you read and I know the one is probably just for information but you never know you might stumble across something that you can pick up on.

in reply to

Thankyou Peridot

I have been looking at the links you sent me and also doing my own research and I'm going to apply for ESA and PIP. It is worth a try. Think there has been people writing posts about ESA on here so I will look into that and find out how they got on.

Thankyou for your reply and look after your self

Take Care

hettie01 profile image
hettie01 in reply to

Hi I myself do not know how long I can continue to work in my full time position ,every day is getting harder!!! I also have researched e,s,a and pip and I think it is the only way forward for me to make my live more manageable. so good luck and please keep me posted how you get on .

in reply to hettie01

Hello Hettie01

Thankyou for your kind words. I have set the ball rolling for both ESA and PIP today. Waiting now for the forms to come. Good luck to you aswell. It's worth a try they can only say no. let me know how you get on too. Xx

claire22 profile image
claire22 in reply to

hi Sophie9

I already get ESA and had to give up my job in July working in a school. I've been off sick since last Sept and when my work stopped paying me after 6 mths I was told to claim ESA which started in Apr this year. I have now made a claim for PIP which the Citizens Advice Office supported me in filling in the complicated form which was only yesterday. Give them a ring when you receive your PIP form they are so helpful and really supportive.

Good luck, take care. x

in reply to claire22

Hello Claire22

Thankyou for your reply. I am very confused at the moment but I was accepted for the first part of esa but now I have to fill in this very long form from Atos Healthcare and an assessment to go to after that. How do you describe how you feel fatique etc with a form like that? I have also put in for pip so I guess I will have yet another confusing and long form. I can't help feeling they will try to catch me out. Good luck with your pip form. Take care and thankyou for your help xx

claire22 profile image
claire22 in reply to hettie01

Hi hettie01

I've sent a reply to Sophie9 which I think may support you regarding ESA and PIP

Good luck and take care. x

claire22 profile image
claire22 in reply to hettie01

Hi hettie01

I've sent a reply to Sophie9 which I think may support you regarding ESA and PIP

Good luck and take care. x

hettie01 profile image

Hi Claire22 Thank you x

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