My pbc has progressed to cirrhosis and sign... - PBC Foundation
My pbc has progressed to cirrhosis and signs of jaundice what does this mean long term?
Hello jaed79.
All I know is that if you develop cirrhosis in PBC this stage can also last a long time too. It could continue to progress or maybe not.
I think this is the strangest thing with PBC, the never knowing.
Peridot is correct. Mine developed into cirrhosis a couple years ago and my billirubin is always high. I have had a few other things, but it is part of the progression. After something 'new' or 'eventful' happens, I have what you might call a moment of anxiety, then I just pray and try to leave it in God's hands, just makes my life easier and I really don't dwell on it. I look at it as a refresher to make sure eating, meds, excercise, etc are where I should be, because sometimes I get lax, expecially on the diet Don't let it bring you down to much, I also believe our attitude is a big key thoughts and prayers, cyndy
Hi- mine has also progressed and my bilirubin level is high - my eyes are yellow which really distresses me and I suffer badly with the main symptoms of Pbc - itching and fatigue but I've just given up work which is making me feel better - I hate it that it's progressed but there's nothing that can be done except to take the medication and live as normal life possible and hope it stays like it is for as long as possible - my consultant is really great and supportive which I find a huge help and even though my jaundice levels are high my other blood tests are better. He also said that you can live with cirrhosis for a very long time so I just hope to stay as stable as I am at the mo. I hope it helps you to know that others are in the same boat. Good luck
Hi Jaed 79, my partner is very jaundiced and has cirrhosis and his eyes are very yellow, he also has acities (swelling of abdomen) and his bilirubin level is 625; he has been put on the transplant list as a priority (this is the only answer in the long term), he is in The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham at the moment. Unfortunately, I have heard that the disease behaves differently in men.