does anybody else have pbc who also has fibromyalgia, i have had pbc for three years now, and since xmas have felt alot worse with the tiredness and major pain. I have just been told today that i also have fibromyalgia, I just wondered if anyone else suffers from this if they can give me any advice.
fibromyalgia: does anybody else have pbc who... - PBC Foundation

I do, as well as others in this group, I think. I've been treated for it for 1 years. My pain clinic dr. treats me with tramadol, and doxepin for it. I can't take narcotics or I think I would. I live with a heating pad placed somewhere I think. You can't press hard on any part of my body without it stinging and hurting.
I would love to hear the answer too. I am in so much pain and the fatigue is aweful. I take vicoden with acetaminophen - sometimes 4 a day. I am worried that will make my PBC progress rapidly. If I don't take pain medicine I can't get up in the morning. As it is I can barely function at work. If anyone knows a away to make us feel better please help. Sorry Alison121, I will pray for you. Patty
I have PBC, Fibromyalgia, Sjorgens and Raynauds and a couple of lesser conditions including enlarged spleen and stomach condition related PBC. The total fatigue and pain can be indescribable to others, I also get the most painful and annoying muscle spasms/craps at embarrassing times LOL. I have been working very long hours in a very stressful job and this has taken its toll. I also find reducing fats and sugar help. Mind you when under stress i tend to reach for the biscuit tin and a bar of chocolate so do myself no favours. I only take pain killers when I really need to as consultant not happy for me to take more than 4 a day, At my next appointment they will decide if I should start assessment for transplant AND as ever so many docs don't know about or understand PBC. But my motto is on-wards and up-wards and I try to stay positive and enjoy the the times when not feeling too bad.
I was diagnoised with PBC in 1983 and then FM in 1993.....i have taken amitryptiline 10mgs for all these years plus four times or more a week half a sleeping tablet. I dont like taking these tablets but there jas to be a decision made between life now and life later. Without sleep and with pain life was becomming difficult. I think the only connection between the two is the persons immune system and personality type.....,luckily there is recognition of fibro now so get the best advice. Good luck
Is it really fibromyalgia or is it due to the autoimmune disease process ??
ive been told they think its fibromyalgia and been put on tramadull for the pain
I was diagnosed with fibro in 2009 although I believe ive had it much longer. as well as the fibro I have under active thyroid, raynards, osteoarthritis and 1st stages of lupas. an I also lack in vitamin d. at the moment I take 75 thyroxin 75 amatriptoline, vit d tablets..i.m awaiting a tribunal date for esa after scoring 0 points at the medical......I can easily sleep the day away. its not because im lazy but totally knackered.
ive joined a fibromyalgia site. its good to share experiences an be able to have a rant with others that understand the condition
hi, was diagnosed with fibro a few years ago, i am also low on vitamin d, and like you am waiting for a tribunal date after scoring 0 points, just wondered if the reason you also scored o points was because they put down a pack of lies, i also get very tired and confused, often the pain is so bad i find it difficult to get dressed, i tried amitriptoline , think i have spelt it wrong, but it did not suit me, am now trying gabapentin, its early days yet so will have to see how it goes,yes it is good to have a rant as i get the feeling that people think i am putting it on as outwardly i dont look particularly ill.
whats PBC? pls
what is pbc please?