Does anyone have permanent neuropathy... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Does anyone have permanent neuropathy caused by Pernicious Anaemia?

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image

It’s been nearly three years since I began my journey of self injecting daily with methyl B12. Within this time period I began taking Lyrica to ease my neuropathy and was hoping and praying that this might be reversed with sufficient treatment. As of a few months ago I began to experience increased neuropathy in particular, more tingling and body pain and fear this might now be permanent. This is again affecting my daily life. I have a GP appointment on Monday to discuss this. My question to all is if anyone lives with permanent neuropathy and how do you treat it? I’m even considering trialing Neurontin or anything similar to see if I may experience some relief from this debilitating pain. I’m getting very anxious and worried that my body has developed a tolerance to Lyrica and may not be as effective anymore. Advice will be greatly appreciated.

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GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
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33 Replies
Nackapan profile image

Have you tried cyanocobalamin or hydroxcobalamin?Some find methylcobalabin agrivates moods and gives anxiety .

I carried on healing at your stage.

So keep faith more improvements can be made .

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toNackapan

Thank you for your reply. When I was first diagnosed with PA I was given Hydroxocobalamin and this continued for two years so I suppose I can try this again in combination with methylcobalamin and see if things improve. In the beginning it was insufficient B12 (every three months) that brought on my neuropathy. I’m fearful it may be permanent as well as angry with current medical protocols who think one injection every three months is sufficient.

PlatypusProfit8077 profile image

I’m sorry to hear you’re having a rough time and not feeling supported by medical professionals. I don’t have any knowledge about Lyrica other than what it’s for.

As Nackapan said, it won’t hurt to try Hydroxocobalamin again - have you been on methyl that whole time? At what frequency?

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toPlatypusProfit8077

Hydroxocobalamin (loading dose initially then once every three months) with my PA diagnosis then with methylcobalamin (every day) during my self treatment. It was during my once every three months treatment that neuropathy became debilitating hence my transition to methyl and self treatment. It’s so frustrating being in this vicious cycle with unsatisfactory support from mainstream medicine.

Libuse profile image

You could have written my post except that I don’t have any idea what Lyrica is. I have numbness and tingling in hands and feet, have been SI ing for over 2 years, also balance issues and fear neuropathy is permanent. You are not alone ❤️

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toLibuse

Hi Libuse,

I was prescribed Lyrica (an anti seizure medication which helps with neuropathy) because I couldn’t tolerate the pain and the nights were unbearable, I cried myself to sleep every night. Whilst taking Lyrica the past year and a half, I felt relief and managed to live a normal life. Now it’s back and don’t wish to keep increasing the dose with every escalation of symptoms. I am trying to my own doctor trying to understand the fundamentals of neuropathy. It’s very disheartening.

Libuse profile image
Libuse in reply toGoneWithTheWind1972

I understand. Thank you. Have you had thyroid tested. I am also hypothyroid and symptoms are similar. ❤️

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toLibuse

Yes, I get this tested regularly. My mother is hypothyroid (Hashimoto’s) and have some auto antibodies to this so, are in a ‘wait and see’ situation to see if I may develop it. Have cross checked with the symptoms also.☺️

MrsTuft profile image

I’d try hydroxocolbalamin, and make sure folate and ferritin optimal and B6 not too high. And keep going. Plus do balance exercises daily and self massage hands and feet. Don’t give up. Presume you’ve had tests to rule out anything else?

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toMrsTuft

I will try hydroxo as well, my B6 is not high and I will give balance exercises a go too. I’ve had the nerve conduction tests done and were fine but, was told it’s most likely small fibre neuropathy. I was also told that this is not commonly tested nowadays (skin biopsy)

MrsTuft profile image
MrsTuft in reply toGoneWithTheWind1972

I believe hydroxo can convert to both methyl and adeno. Great B6 not too high as can give these symptoms. I meant more MRI etc to check for any other cause. What ever the cause of balance is compromised you can improve it by exercising it.

Katherine1234 profile image

I personally have been treating mine naturally. I got off of all sugar, went low carb, no processed foods, no gluten, no seed oils. High good quality protein and good fats, beef dripping butter, lard, ghee. I take high dose choline, benfotamine, Rosita's cod liver oil, a multi mineral complex, self injecting B12 every other day, high folate (not folic acid). I then took copper and MSM sulphur which seems to have been a bit of a game changer for me. MSM sulphur takes away the pain. I also take a bunch of other supplements too as I am hypothyroid. I have had some success. Dr Berg on youtube has a couple of video's about treating neuropathy.

If I go on a sugar wagon it does start to come back. I understand that nerves can take an awful long time to heal. I still have some numb feet and toes, ataxia definitely got better given up gluten. Although I still have ataxia, some days better than others.

wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply toKatherine1234

Absolutely nothing wrong with seed oils according to Professor Sarah Berry (Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Kings College and lead nutritionalist at ZOE ) . She cannot account for the bad press that they have received . She says that seed oils are fine .

Katherine1234 profile image
Katherine1234 in reply towedgewood

It is a business wedgewood. I personally would not take any notice of what they say. Or what is on google. But it is up to the individual. Look up the research from independent scientists, biologists and nutritionists that are not paid to follow the money trail.

WIZARD6787 profile image
WIZARD6787 in reply toKatherine1234

Hey Katherine1234,

Good on you for having what it takes to explore and discover how to successfully self treat.

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toKatherine1234

Hi Katherine1234,

I’ve also tried natural remedies with a naturopath. Similar recommendations you have stated. As I also have Crohn’s disease and have tried anything suggested by her to help heal my gut along with my neuropathy. One recommendation that she’s also suggested is infrared therapy, I will consider this option out of desperation even though the sessions are a bit pricey. Has anyone tried infrared therapy here?

Katherine1234 profile image
Katherine1234 in reply toGoneWithTheWind1972

It sounds like it is the right path you are on. I have an infrared lamp too. But I keep forgetting to use it :( Healing the gut is the way to go. I have been in awful trouble re: my gut after for 4 lots of strong antibiotics for reactivated epstein barr, strep B and gall bladder. They wanted to whip my gallbladder out, it is do important for digestion. I have managed to keep it with all sorts of natural remedies and got an all clear on the cholecystitis and wall thickening, no more inflammation. They wanted to whip it out a year ago. Still got 3 gallstones but not causing me problems. Took me 9 months to heal my gut :(

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toKatherine1234

I empathise with you. Gut healing is so critical to everything that chronically impacts us. I’m sorry to hear that you were unwell and good on you for insisting to keep your gall bladder, it is such a vital organ too. I also have done much gut healing and my last gastroenterologist consultation indicated that I’m in the first stages of Crohn’s remission. I can only hope that all this gut healing may eventually lead nerve healing as well.🙏🤗🤗

Jillymo profile image

I have the same issue and still suffering with the neuropathy which is worse at night. I have the burning, stinging, numb feet, it also affects my hands. It's a swine of a thing to have to live with. My Dr prescribed steriods which helped to relieve my symptoms but caused issues else where such as flashing in my eyes, ( just what I needed ) so i'm now waiting to be seen in the retina clinic. Scrutinise everything the suggest with other medications you maybe taking.

I was given the one size suits all of 3 monthly injections. I then waited over a year to be seen by a neurologist who totally dismissed my symptoms, hence the damage I now suffer. I have been injecting daily for 4yrs.

Look up a Dr Brian Prax on Utube who offers some advice on neuropathy and diet. I now prefer to try natural remedies rather than prescribed drugs which have some nasty side effects. I also brought one of those foot stimulators to increase blood flow.

Magnesium is also supposed to help but dont quote me on that one.

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toJillymo

Hi Jillymo,

Your story is also me!! When I saw the neurologist he told me to reduce my B12 treatment as levels were too high…blah, blah, blah! So sick of these so called experts!!

I will look into Dr Brian Prax and see if I will learn more. And I also take magnesium supplements.

Do those foot stimulators help with your neuropathy in any way?

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply toGoneWithTheWind1972

That is a hard one to answer as half of the time my feet are so dead I cant feel the stimulator. Get one of those cheap one's that resemble a rubber mate with a remote control to try.

The neuro I saw was a complete waste of time yet I had waited a year to see the swine. I have tried both the gabapentin and pregab but all it did was make me drowsy through out my day.

Gee wiz this B12 rubbish is really debilitating to say the least with the balance and neuropathy being the worst symptoms. 😢

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toJillymo

I will definitely give this a try thank you. And I totally agree with you…this constant searching for answers to this B12 stuff is so difficult as it affects everyone so differently and yet, so many similarities. How this little B12 vitamin (or lack of) can cause so many problems to our bodies.

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply toGoneWithTheWind1972

If somebody had told me B12 could stir up all these health issues before I were diagnosed I wouldn't have believed them. You have to go through it to realise how debilitating it is.

At least on here we can learn from each other so keep searching. 😘

Oneash profile image
Oneash this is what Lyrica is.

Oneash profile image

Hi GoneWithThe Wind1972,Sorry to hear you are suffering.

I have no experience of Lyrica.

I've been reading round brain nutrition and one of the key interesting things is how myelin is made from a very stable sort of fat Docosahexaenoic acid DHA.

I'm sure you are aware that myelin nerve sheath deterioration is caused by vitamin B12 deficiency and results in the pain you are experiencing. Also our brain structure is made from myelin.

The best dietary source of DHA is cold water oily fish.

So if you are not getting fish in your diet frequently, maybe take a fish oil supplement.

A bit more here about brain fats

Big hugs. Take it easy. 💙🩵💙🩵💙

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toOneash

Hi Oneash,

Have researched much about the myelin and B12 deficiency and functions on out brain. My diet includes oily fish and supplement this also. I’m constantly learning as much as possible and applying healthy and whole nutritious foods to my lifestyle. I am a positive person most of time but, this dull, consuming pain of neuropathy just knocks me down, it’s a constant struggle trying to function, add lack of quality sleep to the mix and it’s unbearable.

Thanks for your hugs, back at you.🤗🤗🤗

WIZARD6787 profile image

I used to experience the agony of debilitating Peripheral Neuphropathy. I self treat with 100 mg of B6 spread over 4 doses per day. 5-P-5

My Peripheral Nephropathy was not debilitating until I started injecting B12.

is a good source for a rational approach to utilizing B6 without the common fear mongering.

I am different in that I experienced the agony of being B6 deficient and no longer do so.

It seems to me:

--People tend to believe that Peripheral Nephropathy is one thing and what they experience. They tend to not accept the agony that can be experienced.

--Many people suffer and do not know if B6 will help as they never have tried.

Katherine1234 profile image
Katherine1234 in reply toWIZARD6787

There has been some good results with 5P5. I showed up B6 deficient. I am taken it every day but probably not enough.

WIZARD6787 profile image
WIZARD6787 in reply toKatherine1234

My study indicates that the testing available is not dissimilar to the testing available for B12 in that those that successfully treat B6 deficiency do so by symptom elimination and do not rely on testing for dosage.

My personal experience has been that there was not the getting worse before it gets better. It was a direct correlation of the more I administered the more symptoms reduced. I used the methodology of increase for a week then evaluate and increase again. Stopping the increasing only when there was no improvement.

I did at one time administer 200 mg per day as indicated was well tolerated by some and was by me.

GoneWithTheWind1972 profile image
GoneWithTheWind1972 in reply toWIZARD6787

Hi Wizard,

Is it B6 that can cause neuropathy in high levels? I take a B complex with 30mg in it. Does this 5-P-5 taken over four doses per day relieve your neuropathy symptoms? I am willing to try this if it has helped you.

B12life profile image
B12life in reply toGoneWithTheWind1972

B6 in the wrong form can cause problems. But P5P won't. Look up b6 and neuropathy.

Wizard6787 is right. There really isn't any accurate way to test b6, so you must go by clinical results as in symptoms aleviation

scnuke profile image

after trying all three formulations in different combinations and frequencies, I found that hydroxo twice daily has worked best for me. But, as many here will attest, with long standing and under treated PA, some things get better quickly, some things get better slowly, and some things seem to never get better. Neuropathy is one of the toughest to deal with. Currently, and not that I am trying to be baby Jesus, I am using the essential oils of frankincense and myrrh on my hands and feet. I can't say I have noticed any difference yet, but my feet smell nicer! 😂 Good luck to you.

Peder1962 profile image

Getting b12 injektion with three month between is not a real treatment in you have symptoms . When you have polyneuropati you need it every day or three Times per week - according to bigger b12 manufactururs like Pfizer. I got it three Times per week and cured my polyneuropati in 6 month.

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