With my understanding of the medicial field including research I decided to study antibiotics as being appropriate for healing from B12 associated issues and found it unlikely it would have been considered by experts.
I came across this and other references:
Just sharing and I am not going to accept that anyone 'knows' what I should do. I will do more study.
Good news is "The urea breath test is accurate more than 95% of the time. If the test is positive, H. pylori is present. If it's negative, you likely do not have H. pylori in your stomach. " In the medicial field that is rare for their testing. I am just starting my study perhaps they are better when bacteria is involved with testing. Treatment can expected to be based on minimum understanding and maximum profit.
Hopefully I can get the test done privately if that is something I determine is appropriate. I do not experience gastritis and it is likely any medicial personal would be able to think well enough to see it as a possibility treatment might be helpful. They might have the ability, that is not what they do. They are check box monkeys with a fantastic brand and poor product.