I’ve been feeling grotty for a couple of years and have thyroid antibodies. Started on levothyroxine and liothyronine, happy with levels just taken.
Symptoms that continue to bother me:
Headaches & headpains
Sore mouth, tongue swollen
Poor balance
Back pain
Urinary incontinence
Loss of sensation when passing urine
Constipation (better but still need laxatives)
New knee pain
I thought these could be indicative of B12 deficiency, however my B12 level is good and intrinsic factor antibodies negative.
I’ve started subcutaneous B12 injections, had 3 so far but no noticeable improvement.
Family history of high stomach acid and indigestion. On lansoprazole for this but still need antacids on top too occasionally.
Don’t really know what to do next. I think seeing a GP about new knee pain is probably a good idea.
I might as well continue to injections as I already have them - how long does it take to feel better if is related to my body not actually utilising the B12?