Today I saw a neurologist for the first time , sadly not impressed and I am frustrated . I have already posted about my bad experience and lack of care from my Gp surgery, the same from my new surgery. I realised that my right hip was not working as it should, couldn't lift it off the bed or get it into trousers unless I lay them on the floor. Walking was fine, crossing my legs I had to manhandle it. My old GP had tested it with a tuning fork in August when I complained about strong pins and needles in both legs months ago and I felt nothing, the rest of the leg was fine, just the right hip. She said it was ok ! Definitely not eh. I put it down to old age and the fact that i had spent so long in bed.
I have seen a physio, who actually knew about PA, her sister has it and was alert to nerve damage. She organised for me to see an ESP physio who was thorough and I got a quick referral to a neurologist, he thought they would do an mri of spine/hip , tests etc. It all happened in a couple of weeks.
Well when I saw her today I took info with me about SACD and explained I was worried. Her exam was very limited, and quick. She said she knew nothing about PA and what I had was FND, the nerve in my hip was fine. She hadn't asked me to lift my leg from my hip so I showed her how it was unmoveable, and she said that I had moved it when I was unaware ???? I can lift my leg but from the knee question is, has anyone else been told they have FND and is it linked to PA? I remember reading someone having problems with the ombudsman and having lots of problems.
At the moment I am self injecting every day and have got rid of the pins and needles which were in the whole of both legs, and am more alert but still have the nerve in my hip problem. I am hoping that with lots more B12 injections it will come to life again. I bought a tuning fork and I can actually feel it's vibration slightly now .
This whole experience is soul destroying, without all the help and support from the amazing people on here I don't want to imagine how I would be. Thank you .