Hi guys, coming to ask you guys a question but so afraid of a bad answer. You wouldn't believe how I've been shaking and feeling so nervous and worried and not sleeping about my stomach. I've been having this little pin like mild aches in my stomach and these test you have to get with PA drives me up the wall. I was diagnosed with pernious anemia in 2019 and atrophic gastritis from it. I've had a upper endoscopy a year ago and I'm scheduled for another in a couple weeks. I just wanted to know if anyone here with pernious anemia have experienced like a mild pain like feeling also. Thank you and hoping I have the courage to read
So nervous : Hi guys, coming to ask you... - Pernicious Anaemi...
So nervous

Hi 25092,
I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling so anxious. I am sorry that you are having pains in your stomach. I do not understand pin like ? Do you mean like a needling type as though you are being repeatedly pricked by lots of needles ?
I quickly looked at your previous posts and noted you take other supplements. Plus, have had water infections. Now, the pain could be something simple such as not enough stomach acid, not enough of other essential micronutrients or you may need the frequency of your vitamin B12 increased.
However, it is good that your doctor has listened to you and ordered an endoscopy to see what else it may be.
I hope that helps ease things for you.
Sending my best wishes.
Thank you for replying. The pain is like intermittent tiny prickly pains in only small area of stomach. I pray it's nothing, this PA has mimicked so many things. I've never been this down and scary and nervous about so many things in my life. I'm just exhausted and can't take ANYMORE bad news and NO ONE in the medical field seems to understand, be it neurologist hematologist, gastrologist, therapist and certainly not GP I'm far from mean or a vindictive person and I am ashamed for even thinking I want some of these " trained professionals" to feel just for a month what each one of us with PA feel on a daily basis while they REFUSE to believe us. I'm so sick of them also. Anyway sorry about a lengthy rant and thanks so much for being there for me and sending well wishes. Have a peaceful day Narwal
We are here to support you. We understand. If you need to rant, cry, shout or scream it is ok. Then let it out. Do not suffer in silence.
It's good to rant, and this very supportive forum is the exact place to do it - you are safe and in good company with others who experience daily all that PA throws at us. I wish you well. Never hesitate to come here, even if we cannot help we can support and empathise.
I am very sorry you are experiencing an unfortunately very common issue with all of us. I know I feel the same way. If these doctors could just live with this for one day they would be shocked. If they just had a family member that had it so they could see how one suffers. No one wishes anyone any harm, but man if I could switch bodies with my GP for 5 minutes...... Also, if you aren't getting enough B12, you can feel very, very, anxious, nervous and depressed. Little things can seem really stressful and you might wonder why you are so anxious over something so small. But it is not you. Hematologist for me, are the worst! My GP admits he knows nothing and he isn't willing to even read anything I send him so he just chooses not to know or try. So I am left pretty much alone when it comes to having any kind of doctor to count on. I believe all of us are in that boat I am afraid.
I have atrophic Gastritis and my stomach bloats all the time. I get pains here and there that jab me or prolong aches. It varies. I torture myself sometimes, because I love jalapenos and could, but don't, eat a jar of pickled ones. But man do I pay for it. I drink decaf coffee and most of the time I do ok with my one large cup each morning. But some mornings, for no reason that I can think of, coffee will sometimes burn my gut so bad and up my throat that I am doubled over and I have to take a flumotadine.
If you aren't injecting more than once a month, you might consider more frequent injections. I inject every day. I have injected twice in one day many times. But mostly it is daily.
Good luck with this. Never feel uncomfortable coming here to ask for help. No question is silly. Because some PA symptoms are completely crazy! 🦋
Sorry you are feeling so bad . Anxiety is one of the many symptoms of Pernicious Anaemia . You may need more regular injections of B12 . Also look after your “gut” with probiotic foods . Real yogurt , kefir Kimchi .
I also know that real porridge for breakfast is great for the gut , with milled flaxseed . Oats contain beta-glucan , which is enormously beneficial for the “gut”.
Also do take a modest folate ( vitamkn B9) tablet day 400 mcg It works with B12 .
So sorry to read this. I think many people with PA will have gastic ‘type’ issues. I had an endoscopy for similar issues, suffice to say I now take gaviscon regulary and manage totally fine. I have been eating healthier and losing weight on purpose and its helped. This is just a wee idea, but relaxation classes may be helpful or you can down load apps that are well worth listing to. I downloaded ‘calm’ and that worked for me, their bedtime stories were amazing! I don’t use it now but I certainly needed it initially and during lockdown. Wishing you well 250 x
When I was having tests a while back and was concerned I might have the big C I had all sorts of aches and pains that disappeared once given the all clear. Anxiety can do all sorts of funny things to us.
I do have pain in my stomach occasionally. In my early days it's severe and long duration from food poisoning that would send me to emergency. Other times I still experience something similar to what you're describing. A very short duration pin prick feeling. But they do not occur that often.Can you say exactly the location of this pain in your abdomen? How often and duration?
I have had endoscopies plus endoscopic ultrasound every 6 months and annual MRI since my diagnosis in 2020.