B12 and periods: clutching at straws... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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B12 and periods

Snapper246 profile image
10 Replies

clutching at straws here anyone missed a period since starting B12 injections.

I found out I had low b12 in Aug 2022 (100ng/l) started b12 injections. Since then pins and needles have got worse (GP currently doing injections once every 2 weeks) waiting to a nerve conduction test. Now periods are messing up. Probably not connected but asking just in case

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Snapper246 profile image
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10 Replies
Orchard33 profile image

I can only comment on B12 frequency. During my loading shots I had 6 over 3 weeks. Getting B12 levels up is a very uncomfortable process that lasts a long time. And because the NHS protocol is totally inadequate, if I hadn't supplemented with self-injection I would still be very ill.Happily I no longer have to deal with periods but get that issue medically checked out as a priority. Building up B12 in the body after a probably long term deficiency causes all kinds of upsets.

Snapper246 profile image
Snapper246 in reply to Orchard33

thanks for taking the time to reply. I did go to GP as I was in disxoumfort and he sent me to hospital ?ectopic pregnancy although negative test.

Hospital did come blood tests to check for infection. All ok so sent home saying possibly my age…. I’m 38!

GP following this up with more blood tests

Orchard33 profile image
Orchard33 in reply to Snapper246

Very glad you checked your symptoms out and that the NHS swung into action. If they think it's something serious they act fast. With B12 deficiency and PA where it's confirmed they also act fast. After the acute stage most medics haven't got a clue!!

Snapper246 profile image

Yes the reacted quickly to the b12 being low but they don’t know what to do now. They are only giving it every 2 weeks at mo as symptoms were worsening and I’m waiting for a nerve conduction test but dr has said I only need them every 8 weeks

Orchard33 profile image
Orchard33 in reply to Snapper246

Take a look at many posts about the worsening of symptoms when B12 shots begin. Keep on having the shots. It takes time for your deprived system to begin to feel better. It does get worse before it gets better. What the NHS protocol provides is invariably inadequate.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Snapper246

I was put back on every other day for months .I got worse before improvements

Saw 2 neurologists.

A brain MRI

Then eventually down to 2weekly .

I've had to fight, but have kept a 2 weekly NHS prescription.

A mix of IM and sc at home.

I'm glad to hear yor b12 testament started swiftly and your missed periods investigated.

I had to wait 5 weeks after collapse until a b12 test done and Injections started.

Too long in Hindsight.

My trigger was hormonal changes( menopause ) and to date nothing g else found .

Hoping your periods return to normal..

What a strange comment to make

"Your age " ????

48 maybe pre menopausal

I wonder what they meant??

I often came away with more questions than answers.

Still do !

Keep on your 2 weekly regime as long as possible.

It all takes time.

Is your folate level okay / iron / ferritin

Vitamin D

They can test hormone levels.

My daughter had menstration problems . Was sent for a scan after a blood test.

Shes 31 .

Perhaps her age !

She has PA and other problems caused by a late diagnosis .

Polysystic Overy syndrome found in her case .

Yours may be a blip as your body out of kilter. .


Cobalt1312 profile image

Snapper246, I'm 35 and got diagnosed about a year and a couple months ago with PA. When I first started injections I got an 'extra' period and then my regular period. My cycle schedule was a bit messed up, but my periods eventually started getting 'healthier' and easier.

About 6 months into my treatment I switched to a compounded B12 (bc I'm really sensitive to preservatives) and my cycles started getting really long and my period was lighter and seemed to struggle more to start. I have switched back to my original injections because I started regressing in multiple ways on the compounded B12 - I think it wasn't stable enough or was already degraded.

One symptom of B12 deficiency I had before getting my PA diagnosis was vaginal dryness and soreness that were getting progressively worse. Both of those symptoms improved after starting my Cyanocobalamin injections, and then got progressively worse again after starting the compounded B12, and are now stabilizing and improving again since switching back to my original Cyanocobalamin pharmacy injections. I honestly thought I was going through menopause when I was declining, both times at age 33 and then age 35. I think this aspect of women's health isn't often talked about and it's really important. I hope my experiences offer you some help. You're not alone, and from my point of view, I wouldn't take a doctor saying your age of 38 is a valid reason for irregularities... Especially if you already know you have low B12. Sending hugs!

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Cobalt1312

You are so right .Symptons mimic the menopause.

Along with others at the start.

My daughter can relate to that. (24 crisis time )

As my b12 dropped significantly 3 yesrs post menoopause (106(200-900)a direct link .

Liver stores take yesrs to deplete.

I was getting more and more symptoms . Knew something more than the menopause but couldnt work it out.

If I was a vegan or vegetarian I'm convinced the gp would've tested alot sooner.

My friend and sister was and caught early.

My sister s vegetarian diet wasn't the cause but got her a prompt b12 test.

The menopause slowed her absorbtion of nutrients so she simply coukdnt eat enough .

Same for me on a diet including meat and fish.

Just wasn't on my radar as didn't realise wasn't able to absorb and process what I was eating .

My sister scared by my symptoms acted on her vague symptoms. Her level 113 but oral b12 top up worked for her .

She never forgets to take it .

My friends diet was the cause again rapid test rapid treatment.

Both recovered very quickly and only need oral b12 .

A neurologist told me prompt aggressive b12 treatment gives a better long term outcome.

Hard to hear at the time as in his opinion a 5 week wait then loading then another 5 weeks begging for more.

Then back on every other day after a very late diagnosis has caused damage .

He did say I woukd improve if I kept up regular b12 injections.

No quick fix

Still rings in my ears .

He had PA himself so interested and read the very few papers . He wrote to my gp saying there's not enough convincing evidence to try high dose b12 tablets. ( gps all told to push)

To stay on 2 weekly b12 injections 💉

Once on injections few can hen manage on oral b12.

More unknown.

My friend had one vague symptom of rib pain.

B12 test and loading doses started . Did manage then on no further injections and takes oral b12.

I personally know of 8 'cases' so alot about !!

I realise not always the case .

B12 shoukd be on the blood form to tick .

Not having to be added.

I asked for iron to be checked eventually it was .

Gp thought id then dissappear as was normal.

Still wonder why not listened to ??

I'd not been to the gp for 7 yesrs .

Then went 4 or 5 times.

One simple b12 level

The iron was tested reluctantly .

Hormonal changes are underestimated as to what they do .

Also as you say alot unspoken about .

Push push for your treatment to continue and every test to rule anything else out.

Snapper246 profile image

thank you.

They are running some hormone test, prolactin and thyroid this time. Just ridiculous earliest blood test appointment in my area was 11th April.

Last couple of blood tests (Aug and Nov iron and folate were at low end of the scale but still “in range” so I’m taking supplements myself

Cobalt1312 profile image
Cobalt1312 in reply to Snapper246

Keep up your good work Snapper246 - we're cheering for you!

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