Does anybody know whether SI with B12 is contraindicated for any reason for people bordering on adrenal crisis? Or is it still beneficial?
Thanks in advance.
Does anybody know whether SI with B12 is contraindicated for any reason for people bordering on adrenal crisis? Or is it still beneficial?
Thanks in advance.
Do you mean diagnosed Addisons or adrenal insufficiency?
GP has diagnosed Addisons. This is my OH not me btw. He's a long term steroid user due to severe Psoriatic RA. There was some discussion his lack of natural cortisol production may be a result of this. GP reduced prednisone dose right down to bare minimum to see if cortisol production would resume. It did not. It seems this was the basis for deciding it was Addisons. Had it not been for covid she said he would've been admitted there and then.
He's now on 5mg pred daily for this.
Hmm. Difficult to know whether his adrenals have reduced their cortisol production due to suppression from even a small dose of steroids, or whether it’s a genuine autoimmune process. If he has Psoriatic arthritis then it’s possible to have other autoimmune illnesses. Has he seen an endocrinologist/has the GP consulted with an endocrinologist?
I’m assuming he is on a PPI with long-term steroid use? Do they know why he is B12 deficient?
To my knowledge B12 can increase the production of adrenaline, cortisol I am not too sure. Would he be receiving doses at the surgery and have they indicated how frequently? Spacing them out to fortnightly or monthly might be safer to start with to see how he reacts, maybe you could discuss the frequency with his GP?
[Has he seen an endocrinologist/has the GP consulted with an endocrinologist?] Yes. Endo concurred with Addisons given his autoimmune history and the lack of improvement on cessation of steroids.
[To my knowledge B12 can increase the production of adrenaline]
This was my worry. This is the key thing I wanted to know.
[Would he be receiving doses at the surgery and have they indicated how frequently?]
They gave him loading doses when he was discovered severely deficient but wouldn't extend it to "regular " intervals after that. To the best of my knowledge there was no attempt to rule out PA or otherwise identify a cause but he has massive gastro issues and is on PPI so plausible absorption is at the root of it.
[Maybe you could discuss the frequency with his GP?] Yeah I've told him this.
Thanks for your help!
I’ve had two frightening experiences which were put down to problems with adrenals. I’d lost weight, hair, had terrible anxiety and relentless nausea. 111 doctor, hospital and GP diagnosed Addisons (hospital notes did not confirm) and I was eventually treated with intensive rehydration over 4 days.
After later reading research and Dr J Chandy’s “B12 Deficiency in Clinical Practice”, (detailed information on adrenals/thyroid/B12) finding that I can expect more attacks, I eventually accessed excellent treatment and relief with herbalist’s Adrenal Tonic (Herbactive, New Milton).
John F Kennedy (also Northern European descent), apparently, also had thyroid disease, Addisons and B12 treatment (injections) for PA.
I’m very careful now with diet and avoiding stress, take adequate thyroid medication and S.I. B12 at least twice a week. Regular high dose vitamin C, is also important and supposed to help reduce inflammation.
Best wishes for good health LavinialLaw
Dr Chandy’s book with detailed research can be accessed free on line.