Hi all,
I am a 21 y/o male who eats meat and was diagnosed with a B12 deficiency (not PA) about 2 months ago. I went into the walk-in about 3 months ago with heart palpitations, fatigue, severe anxiety, inability to focus, and some vision issues. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and my doctors decided to run a few blood tests. The results showed a [B12] of 0.0pg/mL and [folate] >19.3ng/mL.
I was started on weekly vitamin B12 shots and after the first I felt great. As I continued to get the shots it started to feel as if they weren't helping and I was regressing back to how I felt and some twitching. This week was supposed to be my 7th shot but I was unable to schedule due to thanksgiving and other commitments. As my normal shot day, which is normally thursday, began to get close, around tuesday I started to feel a headache coming on and my palpitations becoming worse. On thursday morning as I was driving to visit family I my headache started to get significantly worse. It felt like a sharp throbbing pain on one side of my head behind my eye. I turned around and drove home and spent the whole day on the couch. After talking to my family I realized that it was a severe migraine (this was the first migraine I have had). Today, Friday, I had another migraine that was not as bad but my heart palpitations and anxiety is at an all time high.
Has anyone else experience a similar situations where they began feeling worse after the first B12 shot or have felt completely terrible after missing an injections?
Bellow I have attached my non-fasting blood results and everything else looks normal but I do find it weird that my B12 is nonexistent and yet my RBC, MCV, and MCH are normal.