I have been having injections from my GP every 12 weeks for about a year. When I had my loading doses I had side effects but since then it’s been fine - until today. Yesterday I had an injection, it was actually 11 weeks rather than 12, and this morning I am dizzy with nausea and muffled/ringing ears. Has anyone else experienced this after a regular dose (eg not loading) and have any idea if it indicates anything?
Dizzy and nauseous day after B12 shot - Pernicious Anaemi...
Dizzy and nauseous day after B12 shot

I often get symptoms after an injection and like yourself wondered why, I was told it is due to the body trying to heal it's self but it does lessen over time.
A lot of damage can occur and there is no quick fix when it comes to repair, I am two years into injections and still get symptoms.
Try not to worry too much it seem's to be the norm .
I am sure other's will coment on your post but for now slowly does it and I hope you make some progress soon.
It is possible to get side effects from B12 injections.
I am not medically trained but suspect these are more likely to occur in early days of treatment. Link below has a section on side effects.
BNF hydroxocobalamin
Has your GP surgery changed the brand of B12 ampoule they are using for injections?
I wondered if there could be something else happening in your body.
Could you have been more tired, dehydrated, low in some other nutrient, stressed etc?
Any chance of a Covid infection or other infection?
Have your folate, iron and Vitamin D levels been checked recently?
Forum members often report deficiencies in these as well as B12.
I hope it was just a blip and you are fine with your next one.
Links to forum threads where I left detailed replies with lots of B12 deficiency info eg causes and symptoms, UK B12 documents, B12 books, B12 websites and B12 articles and a few hints on dealing with unhelpful GPs.
Some links may have details that could be upsetting.
Some of the info will be specific to UK.
I woujd make note of what brand used. Sometimes depending on technique it goes into the sytem too quickly
Sometimes it's if yoh arr busy or stressed.
Sometimes .........no rhyme or reason.
I've a headache today.
Day after injection that happened every time before also awful tinnitus.
Nowadays I'm usually better thd dsy after. ??
I have been stressed so probably the reason.
Hate like you when you think certain things over then return.
For me nausea and off balance is fatigue
How were you day before injection?
My last injection, a week ago, made me very nauseous within minutes and lasted until the next day. First time this has happened in a year.
Good morning. Yes I have had the same problems. A young GP stopped my injections a few years ago even though I have pernicious anaemia, I’ve had to fight to get them reinstated, new doctor and 9 months of injections now. Sometimes I feel ok but a few times like the last one I have ringing in my ears, pain under my right rib cage where my gall bladder was, dizziness and nausea. I just about start to feel ok when my jab is due again. I think it must depend on how our body feels when we have them. Are we stressed, overworked, eating the wrong thing. Like all of us on this amazing forum it’s a daily trial and error and hoping the medical profession take us serious. Good luck I hope you feel better soon.