Hi im new here.... dont know if this is widley known,but you can get b12 injections without prescription from some beauty parlours/eyebrow threading? type businesses. Im currrently £20 a shot.
b12 lm injection available in uk. - Pernicious Anaemi...
b12 lm injection available in uk.

£20 a shot is a ridiculous price to pay !
These beauty parlours are over charging to make extra cash. I pay a lot less and would not entertain the beauty parlours who are nothing other than profit seeker's.
Many of us on here need shots every other day to keep our symptoms at bay. Imagine at £20 a shot how much that would cost those that are in real need to keep their neurological symptoms under control ?
I would much rather buy abroad at a resonable price for a lot less.
Jillymo Unfortunately my numbness in shoulders( deltoid) trapozoidium muscles and arms are returned back after 50 cyanocobalamin injection and 8 hydroxocobalamin injection and couple of months methyl cobalamin timed release taking each day 15000 mcg. Please help. I can't sleep more than 45 minutes and until morning it wakes me up almost seven to eight times . These muscles get extreme feeling of cold and some burning and numbness. As you know I tried changing my bed setup but still bad numbness. I have weakness in those muscles along with thigh, back and stomach muscles. I have double vision blurry eyesight and tinnitus. I asked neurologist for another EMG for myasthenia gravis. And if possible acetylcholine antibody. But I'm not sure with antibody test.Should I increase injection frequency ? I can't sleep I need help.
I am not medically trained to be able to advise you.
I would have thought it to be highly unlikely you have myasthenia gravis. You mentioned in one of your posts that when the elivator at your property broke down you managed to climb several flights of stairs which I dont think would have been possible if you had MG.
How often are you injecting ? I found at first the injections exasperated my symptom's but apparently this is all part of the healing process. I started to inject more frequently ( every day ) then every other day and over time my symptom's decreased !
What I am saying is I felt worse before better. I can sympathise with what you are going through I and many others have been through what you are going through. Whilst injecting I also took slow release B12 tablets and even resorted to B12 patches.
If somebody had told my symptoms were due to B12 deficiency I would never have believed them - the symptoms are debillitating.
Do you have blood test results ? If you do post them on here so that others can advise you.
I do hope you get some respite soon.
Yes I knew , but I’ve never seen them so cheap . Do you know what type of B12 they use? The NHS uses Hydroxocobalamin. ,as most self injectors do . A self injection costs about £1.60 . Everything included . So convenient at home . Absolute hygiene is also important . But those beauty parlours must refrain from making any health clams for the injections . They can claim anti-ageing benefits , weight loss . ( all a load of nonsense of course ) If the claims were true , I would be as thin as a rake ,and at 84 , I should be looking like a 40 year old at least , having injected weekly for 6years !
Well Wedgewood you may not be thin as a rake or looking like your forty, but your brain power at 84 is remarkable !

I thank b12 injections for any brain-power that I have . Without the injections I’m sure that I would either be dead or in a care home for demented patients —Honestly ! I was so Ill before I found the PAS 6 years ago . I was a jibbering wreck , exhausted , confused , anxious , with Vertigo . Breathlessness, palpitations and totally numb feet . But I was sent on my way by my GP —-- “There’s nothing wrong with you “ Well , that’s still happening to many people. Thanks for your great input on this forum Sallianni 👍
You are so experienced with six years injection. Unfortunately my numbness in shoulders( deltoid) trapozoidium muscles and arms are back after 50 cyanocobalamin injection and 8 hydroxocobalamin injection and couple of months methyl cobalamin timed release taking each day 15000 mcg. Please help. I can't sleep more than 45 minutes and until morning but wakes me up almost seven to eight times . These muscles get extreme feeling of cold and some burning and numbness. I tried changing my bed setup but still bad numbness. I have weakness in those muscles along with thigh back and stomach muscles. I have double vision blurry eyesight and tinnitus. I asked neurologist for another EMG for myasthenia gravis. And if possible acetylcholine antibody. But I'm not sure with antibody test.Should I increase injection frequency ? I can't sleep I need help.
I would increase injections They are the most efficacious way to get B12 to where it’s needed .( at least you know that you cannot overdose ) Insomnia is terrible I agree . I found that 5 Mg of Melatonin and CBD 20mg did help enormously . ( taken 20 mins before bedtime ) I hope that they can help you . Very best wishes .
I want to sleep and I can sleep but numbness and feeling icy cold and burning in trapozoidium and deltoid and arm muscles prevent me to sleep and wake me up after 45 minutes. Till morning I wake up more than ten times. I've changed sleeping setup but it doesn't get better now I have neck pain too. I'm going to increase frequency. Today injected one more and it's now every other day. I'm going to increase it to every day
Thanks for letting everyone know.Most are aware and if desperate at least an option.
They cost around £45 here.
I've not used thus service as bought my own to supplement the NHS prescription.
I only know because a nurse said I was 'lucky'
I don't think so .
She pays for hers at a salon!!
She medically doesn't need them so a waste if money I think
She should know better. Literally money down the toilet !No wonder some of the nurses were so suspicious when GP told them to give me 3 injections a week !
Lucky ? Really not worth the argument, is it ?
Certainly not. I ended up avoiding that nurse ax she gave beery painful injections every time.
Such a shame the regular two nurses left .
A real lottery now if I get get an IM one and who does it.
Nurses are very nervous% suspicious about b1w injections anything more than 3 monthly.
Training , training , or not question z doctors instructions
Some private GPs may offer B12 injections in UK.
Are you currently getting B12 injections from NHS and if so, are you happy with the treatment you're getting?
BNF link below outlines two patterns of treatment
1) for those without neuro symptoms
2) for those WITH neuro symptoms
BNF Hydroxocobalamin
Link about "What to do next" if B12 deficiency suspected or recently diagnosed.
UK guidelines indicate that those who have the symptoms of B12 deficiency, should be treated even if serum (total) B12 level is within normal range.
Some UK forum members resort to self injection as a last resort if NHS level of treatment is not enough.
PAS (Pernicious Anaemia Society)
Based in Wales, UK.
There is a helpline number that PAS members can ring.
Unhappy with Treatment (UK info)?
Letters to GPs about B12 deficiency
Petition to get injectable B12 available over the counter in UK
Tracy Witty who runs the B12 Deficiency Info website has been campaigning for eight years to get injectable B12 available over the counter in UK.
Links to forum threads where I left detailed replies with lots of B12 deficiency info eg causes and symptoms, UK B12 documents, B12 books, B12 websites and B12 articles and a few hints on dealing with unhelpful GPs.
Some links may have details that could be upsetting.
Some of the info will be specific to UK.
I am not medically trained.

Injectible B12 is prescription only if being used as a medical treatment but, as you observe, it is available without prescription as a supplement which is how beauty salons are able to provide it.
I have just had a delivery today. Thursday 10th February, of 10 boxes of 10 ampoules of Hydroxocobalamin for injection from Germany with an expiry date of February 2024. The cost including DHL courier was about £75. With needles, syringe and spot plaster that means less than £1/ shot. Nice profit these ‘beauty parlours’ are making..
Nice to hear from you Grubster, thanks for posting. I'm sure you'll find a wealth of information and support here, just as I did. Keep well and best wishes. x