A question relating to my brother this time. Can low B12 and not having it treated properly put you at greater risk of heart attack?
His B12 found at c.80, IF neg, no further investigations done, Summer 2018. Same GP surgery as me, sometimes even same GP (I have told them my bro has it too and they tune me out!)
He had 5 x loading doses, & then after 6 months onto 3-monthly injections, late 2018 & through 2019.
Injections STOPPED in 2020 (due to covid blah blah). He did mot take oral as he knew would not help & they said they would re-test during 2020. They told him ok when they did, he had started feeling rubbish again through.
He's tried getting jabs again, but they said no, but folate low so had him on 3 months of folic acid now.
Said they'd retest B12 in Sept and if low poss injections back. He has not researched and pushed like I have, has gone along with things a bit more.
He has now had a heart attack at the start of this week. I do not know much detail as yet, but I am told he had been getting a numb arm and leg for a while (no idea if he'd spoken to GP, but I suspect not knowing my brother).
He has high risk factors already : lifelong heavy smoker; stressed business- owner; not terribly healthy & active.
However, just thinking that untreated B12D can also raise your risk?? Raised homocysteine?? Am I right or am I getting muddled and seeing through the 'Red Mist' caused by the absolutely shocking dismissal of need to treat these B12D conditions?!
I feel so angry if that could even be a tiny additional 'cause'. Stopping injections that should be seen as essential!
And yet if it was his dog with a B12D he could walk into the same pharmacy to pick up a monthly prescription of the human B12 for his dog!!!